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I think I may have put this badly. He has been in hospital in the USA, wasn't able to fly home for a couple of weeks after he should have, but of course he had medical insurance for this. Medical transport would have been paid for had this been needed.
He is not wanting to be brought home, just because he may become ill. He is happy to be treated by the Spanish healthcare system, and we have looked into what he would get. Which, at his age is free immediately necessary hospital medical treatment, which is the main concern. This is not an issue for him.
The issue is if he becomes so ill during any possible hospital treatment that they wish to have him returned home, or if he should die, and his body has to be returned. Although, actually in this case, given that pretty much all his family will be there, they would probably just have a cremation done there and bring ashes back.
This scenario is very very unlikely. He has been hospitalised a couple of times in the last year, he has been seen by doctors, monitored, had his medication tweaked, and been discharged. He has never been in more than a few days. It is a 'just in case' thing he is looking for, the kind of thing that you get included on your policy if you take out a full travel policy. I was under the impression that to insure for just this eventuality was possible, but as mentioned in the first post, I can only find reference to residents of US, Canada, and Mexico.
To be honest, having had to avail ourselves of the public spanish health system, using our EHIC for our grand-kids on a couple of occasions, it cannot be faulted. The only thing we had to pay for was a bottle of medicine, and that only because the consultation took place in the community. Had the child been in hospital the medication would have been free.