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Why Does The School Bully Compliment My Singing When Other People Tell Me It's Terrible?

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RainbowRafiki | 04:46 Mon 12th Nov 2018 | Music
6 Answers
I was singing at a football game while we were waiting for our next song to play during pep band. All of a sudden, the school bully starts saying that I sing good. I told her that other people were telling me I should just give up because I'm so bad. She got really mad at those people and said I should be in the talent show. My chorus teacher said I was good even though I had a sore throat that day. People finally gave up on telling me to give up because I'll sing louder and worse on purpose. It's fun seeing the look of defeat on their faces.


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Even the school bully wants to bump shoulders, in a humane manner of course. "Ride the wave of success" whilst it lasts.
04:57 Mon 12th Nov 2018
-- answer removed --
Good advice!
You must be good if you're in the Choir, your friends are jealous, they all seem to want to chip away at your confidence.

Or maybe it's a cruel person trying to set you up to look stupid. Just be careful. Bullies don't suddenly just change.
Indeed. You don't get into the choir if you can't sing. Tell your 'friends' to stop taking the mickey and enjoy yourself.
Just about anyone can sing well. it needs practice and confidence, a good teacher will help. Try not to believe strongly in those who compliment excessively nor those who are disparaging. Trust the chorus teacher, and drop the 'worse on purpose' bit, it's not helping you.

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