Language is a fluid entity, and as such, it means many things to many people.
Difficulties arise when people with an over-developed sense of persecution on behalf of others, start to see inferences where none really actually exist, unless you create them, and I suggest that this is the situation here.
I would not have automatically drawn a conclusion that a group of white politicians referring to themselves, or being referred to by others as 'grand wizards', to automatically suggest an implied link to the KKK.
Probably, neither would the KKK, but as an organisation that thrives on publicity, especially free publicity which attaches no blame to them, they will be delighted to talk up the link offered to them.
The notion of 'offence' looms large in our society, but in this instance, as in all others, it's best to wait for the potentially offended individuals to register their offence first, rather than registering it on their behalf.
That only smacks of superior irrelevant handwringing designed to score brownie points with an electorate, with elections in the offing.