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Beltane Blessings / Happy May Day...

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Calicogirl | 10:18 Wed 01st May 2019 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Beltane Blessings to you all or a Happy Mayday (whichever you celebrate), may the coming of summer give you all you wish for x


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Why thank you, same back to ya.
I see they're expecting something close to freezing way up north. I expect their summer is August 3-7.
Looking forward to a nice long hot summer, could do without a pagan blessing, shall pass on that thanks.

"I see they're expecting something close to freezing way up north. I expect their summer is August 3-7."

Helps to keep most of the riff-raff down south, jno.
Summer starts in june
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Thanks Douglas :) x
absolutely, douglas. Hardy men in kilts and shaggy cows built the wall to keep the Roman wusses out. May your sporran never freeze.
Just wanted to get in before a moot storm started.
//Summer starts in june//

You are quite correct. Summer 2019 : Meteorological June 1st Astronomical June 21st.
you'll note that Calicogirl didn't say summer was here, she said it was coming.
May the coming of Christmas bring you warmth and love.
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Right just for the avoidance of doubt, this was a thread wishing people well for the coming summer.
TRADITIONALLY this was the start of summer, I don't care when it 'officially' starts, I don't care if you're Pagan, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Agnostic, Atheist, Klingon, Jedi or a Hamster, it's just a good wish. Take it if it's of use to you, and if you're life is so awesome you don't need it, well done you!
I'm just sitting here waiting for the dawn and thought I'd share my good wishes with you, life is too short not to x

Thanks Jno x
I think it was traditionally the 1st of june
and 1st of feb was traditionally the start of spring
Blessings on you too Calico, I need all the help I can get.
Spath you are correct. Beltane welcomes the middle of Spring and traditionally bonfires were lit to encourage the Sun and look forward to Summer.
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Just research 'Beltane' Spath- I can't be arrised with you and your deliberate fussing :/

Hope things go well for you Woof x
"I can't be arrised with you and your deliberate fussing :/ "

Ah, Yes, blessings to you too.
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Season wise it's this:-
Samhain (Eve of ~1 November)- Beginning of Winter
Imbolc (~1 February)- Beginning of Spring
Beltane (~1 May)- Beginning of Summer
Lughnasadh (~1 August)- Beginning of Autumn

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