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Is There Anything My Daughter Can Do?

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Barsel | 12:39 Sat 28th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
One day last week, my daughter lost her purse, so she retraced her steps back to a cafe where she had last used it. The owners of the cafe know her well and they had a look at their CT. It showed that my daughter dropped her purse as she left the cafe and within seconds a passerby picked it up and carried on walking with it. The cafe owner recognised this person as she also eats at this cafe although the owner doesn't know her name or where she lives. My daughter took this info to the police but they say there is nothing they can do about it. In my opinion, the woman that picked it up could have handed it in to the cafe owner, but she didn't, and yet this isn't classed as theft. Do you think there is anything else my daughter can do? Thanks.


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Did they say why they could do nothing about it?
i'm not a lawyer but i thought keeping something that you found was classed as theft?
ael. it is.
Yes, ael. I think it's called "intent to deprive"
Have no knowledge of what else can be done legally. Maybe put the video on social media with a, "Do you know this individual" caption, although that may be illegal. Or keep an eye out for this regular cafe customer ? Maybe the cafe owner can text you when they come again so you can coincidentally ask her about the purse they found ? Of course the cafe owner may not want to get involved against a regular customer. It's always possible that the woman took the purse to a police station. I trust you tried lost & found.
I believe that you have to show that there was an intention to "permanently deprive" someone for it to be classed as theft. The lady could argue she intends to take it to a Police Station when she gets the time. Depending exactly where it was the lady might not have thought someone coming from the cafe had dropped it. If the finder is a cafe regular the owner could mention it to her and see what her reaction is.
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Danny, they said they don't have the resources and it's theft by finding ( or something like that). If the woman had snatched the purse off my daughter then that is theft and presumably they might be able to do something.
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It seems the woman who took the purse, sometimes goes to the cafe with her Dad and when he turned up the next day, the cafe owner told him what had happened and he just turned and walked out and I daresay that neither of them will now return.
Similar happened to a member of an FB group page I 'belong' to.
Lass was advised to go to police. Another member had similar a few years ago and police weren't interested then either.

Current victim has been advised to take cctv coverage to the police so am awaiting an update on any news.
She's also had it suggested that she take a photo of the alleged culprit and put it on social media too (think that might not be the best course of action tho)
of course it's theft but plod doesn't want to investigate.
Barsel, it is definitely theft. Go back to the police and if they still refuse to investigate make a written complaint to the local police commissioner.
Perhaps her Dad did not now what happened or was embarrassed? You do not know what the next few days may bring but would not hold my breath.
Take it your daughter has cancelled all the cards that were in the purse.
Could you convince the cafe owner to make a copy of the relevant CTV footage so that you could take it to the police? They might act if they have something to work with.
TTT "of course it's theft" no it is not as has been explained, as has the police position "they said they don't have the resources and it's theft by finding ( or something like that)"
theft by finding is theft. Theft is taking an item with the intention of permanently depriving the owner without compensation. It's Theft, end of.
Tony it is theft unless the person intends to hand in the property.
//(1)A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it;//
so if I leave my car outside and you "find" it you can simply take it? think it through.
this is plod being lazy. if it was deemed a "hate" crime they'd be all over it.
Cars are an exception TTT - the offence is "taking without consent". No need to prove intention to permanently deprive.
ok if I leave my piano outside and you "find" it and take it away that is theft. It's very simple.

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