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Ice Cream Van

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-SharonA- | 21:51 Wed 02nd Oct 2019 | Jokes
19 Answers
Whilst waiting at the traffic lights, an ice cream van smashed into the back of my car.
The doctor told me I had whippy lash!.


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Did you flake out?
Were there cones on the road?
At times like that you want hundreds and thousand witnesses.
Bet it felt like a Brick had hit you.
My virility was impaired by an accident with an ice cream van: Mr Softee ;-)
You should seek compensation, Sharon. I'd wanna lot of lolly for that!
That's no wafer anyone to drive.
Did it happen last Sundae?
>>> At times like that you want hundreds and thousand witnesses

Wouldn't 99 be enough?
Ha ha Buen. Can't top that!...
Bet it sent a ripple of shock through your bones. Did you scream? I scream at the very thought of getting whippy lash.
If you claim for whippy lash, make sure you get the Lyons share, especially if the crash involved Walls.
Don't let the other driver give you any stick.
I think we have this joke licked now....
Yes, I am off to practice my cornet.
I hope the driver gave you a rocket.
Question Author
And he blamed the Rocky Road!!!
What a clot!
Who was driving, Ben or Jerry?

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Ice Cream Van

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