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Sad News Today

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Rockrose | 15:29 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I went to my riding lesson today and found out that the horse I ride Big George had to be euthanasised .
It’s come as a shock I knew that he had a form of cancer but it’s one that a horse can live with.
Apparently it started affecting his genitalia so they decided the time had come.
He was cremated and his ashes laid on the hill overlooking the school, I always take an apple for him for after the lesson so I took that up to him and laid it at his stone.
Sorry I know you are probably not interested but I needed to get it off my chest.


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Sad news indeed.
What a nasty shock - you will miss him a lot I expect.
I am sorry for your loss because it is your loss as well as a loss to the owner and to everyone who knew him.
That is so sad.
Very sorry for you.
We all get close to animals and love them.
It must have been a shock. I think that some animals become more like friends and you do miss them.


The worst thing is that they apparently didn't let you know they were going to do it. Maybe they expected you would forbid it. Either way, I think it was previous of them.
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Yes it was a shock, we had grown close since I started riding again, he used to snicker when I walked in, apparently his previous owner had an English accent and he reacted to my voice.
That is sad news ((RR)), my condolences x
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Clarion George wasn’t my horse!
Ah. That is sad
I see. It would be a shock then wouldn't it? Sad.
When did you last ride him?
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9 days ago Tilly
Well then, he had only a short period of time in which he was unwell. Remember him as a lovely companion.
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He will forever hold a corner of my heart Tilly
Sorry to hear this.
Awww...sorry to read that x
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Thanks umm
Its always very sad when we have to let an animal go , but at least they did the right thing . I'm guessing it was a melanoma which horses can live with but its probably gone into his urinary tract which would cause all sorts of problems. Time maybe to look for your own horse, focus on something positive.
Losing a four-legged friend can be as painful as losing a two-legged one.

Rest In Peace George. I hope horsey heaven is full of the juiciest apples.

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