Saturday Punt 14/12./2019
Morning all. Not a bad morning up here and some cracking races again. It doesn't seem 12 months since Frodon won the big chase at Cheltenham last year. After all the excitement this week I had a bit of shopping to sort yesterday but noticed that there was an ITV7 up for grabs just before I logged off. So I quickly placed the free bet and did my usual little punt on it at 365. I logged off and went out to do my errands like a good lad. When I got back I found that I'd had 4 winners and 2 places. I picked up £164 and would have had £1.5k if Ask Ben had prevailed in the last. Chequred View, Cogry, Methag, & Easyland all won for me. Would have loved to be home and seen what they were offering to cash out.Try to do it again today. Good luck if you have a go.
Secret Investor @10/1 1.55 Cheltenham
Champagne Well @7/2 2.30 Cheltenham
North Star Oscar @4/1 2.55 Hereford
Lust For Glory @6/1 3.40 Cheltenham
£1.00 E/W Acca. 30p E/W Trebles, 25p Win Doubles. Singles to be taken as and when.
To complete the ITV7 add in Tombee Du Ciel 2.45 Donc., Pentland Hills 3.05 Chelt., & Cloth Cap 3.20 Donc. Little 7,6,&5 timers done and cover may be used if it goes pear shaped early.