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Is The Country Well Prepared?

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Theland | 23:06 Wed 18th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
Is our country well prepared for this Pandemic?
I think the government are nor doing a good job but are ill prepared.,


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Is it possible for dogs to contract Corvid-19 from bones, I wonder....?
13:34 Thu 19th Mar 2020
At least you're hoping they're not doing a good job.
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I'm not posting on the SAD thread out of respect for the sensitivities of those who feel,offended.
I think any governement would have been ill-prepared and slow. But I'm glad we have this one, so we at least have a chance.
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Naomi, Imrecognise they are doing all they can and showing leadership.
I would never hope for failure.
I wish them well as I'm sure the whole country does.
Just do your bit by staying in the house, that's all you can do.

Your neighbourhood's loss is our gain.
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Nice one.
Try again.
Could any government be well-prepared? Probably not. But I trust their decisions are based on evidence where it can be, and their motives are well, and I am grateful that Parliament as a whole is working together at a time of crisis.

They're behind the curve, though. Would that they could have moved faster, but I am not sure if it would have been possible or even effective really to do so.
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Jim, I am referring to ten years of austerity, a run down short staffed NHS, and other things besides.
I know. It looks bad, and will be part of the post-mortem once this crisis has passed. I don't see how any country can avoid reassessing its approach to healthcare in future. In the short-term, though, the Government has my trust, for all the good that will do them.
It's still relatively early and what we face has a lot of unknowns, working together and all pulling in the same direction is the only way we will get through this.
Agreed Jim. Personally, I am quite proud of the way our parliament has come together and how things are being presented to us by the PM, relevant members of the goverment and advisors. I am appalled by those who continue to try political point scoring - and disgusted that someone would post that poem that has now been removed, thank goodness.
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Jim, I am with you on this, and I too trust Boris to handle things well.
He has not bee long leader, and even less as PM, but since he has shook things up and acted with integrity.
His predecessors left a mess for him and that is my point.
That was agreement with Jim's post at 23.14
I don't trust Boris to handle things well, so much as I trust him to handle things with the right motivations. In reality, he's helpless in the face of a crisis that had grown out of control weeks ago. But the Government should be excused for their inability to respond effectively to an invisible and deadly enemy, and supported in their efforts to try.
You think the government isn’t doing a good job, theland. What would you like them to do?
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Naomi, I think they are doing a good job with the poor hand they have been dealt, most notably a run down NHS.
5 days ago:-

Our British science is infinitely better than that filthy despicable foreign science, and the World Health Organisation is obviously a dire leftist plot to undermine British values.

We must trust our beloved Tory overlords, and it is clearly every red-blooded Brit's inescapable public duty to direct torrents of hatred and bile at any terrible and despicable leftist who dares question our Tory lords and masters and their magnificent and unquestionable "herd immunity" strategy.


Our beloved Tory government have shown such wisdom and intelligence to change strategy so quickly, taking only ...[checks notes] ... four entire days to listen to the absolute chorus of people saying that hundreds of thousands would die under their plan, and that the health service would be catastrophically overwhelmed. Thank goodness the Tories are so responsible and trustworthy and decisive, and above all thank goodness that the terrible and despicable lefties aren't in charge!
Did anyone actually say either of those things?
Canary, what would you like the government to do about the current situation?
We need a Socialist Government, like say Italy, innit Canary.

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