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Did You Roll Your Paste Eggs On Easter Sunday?

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Bobbisox1 | 12:02 Fri 10th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
My OH said they jarped or went ‘ jarping’ I’d never heard of such an expression, it means you had to see who had the strongest egg to crack, a bit like conkers?
We ‘booled’ our paste eggs on the grass in the local park, I suppose ‘booled’ is a narrative of bowled, it was a huge gathering and whosever egg went the furthest would get a prize , usually another decorated paste egg lol


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Bet most of them won't know what "Clarts" are either.
20:41 Fri 10th Apr 2020
What's a paste egg?
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Haha, it’s what we called a hard boiled either decorated egg or you’d have them boiled in Onion skins to make them dark brown Naomi, it’s the poor mans Faberge :0)
Thanks Bobbi. I've never heard that expression - or jarping.
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I’d never heard of jarping either but different places had different sayings, the accent even changes ever so slightly too from say Gateshead to Sunderland, totally different accent
Did you live in the middle-ages?
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Now now Spicey, you love me really :0/
It’s tradition up here, don’t you have stuff that I’ve probably not heard of where you’re from ?
Spicerack, Middle Ages? This is Bobbisox talking about the beginning of Spring: "Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;":)
Bobbs - nothing to do with your eggs but we have a saying. When the back of your legs are marked with the mucky rain. We say "oh your legs are all japped".
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I loved different saying around the regions JJ
Maybe next year get your Husband over to Peterlee for the championship.
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Somehow I don’t think he would Mamya lol
Might bring happy memories back.
Those were the days,Bobbi. Used to paint ours as well.
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Arh at last someone who knows what I mean :0)
Bet most of them won't know what "Clarts" are either.
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Arh ,no, a good old play in the Clarts , lol
Last year we had a runaway winner of the annual egg-rolling competition. The church is half-way up a steep hill. There is a path to the gate, on which egg-rolling comp. happens. One local kid couldn't believe his luck when his egg bounced off a pebble and continued through the gate, down the road and ended up against the edge of the village green. About 75 yds.! Can't see that this record will be equalled. It won't happen this Easter, unfortunately.

I'm actually very cross about the C of E's attitude at the moment and am seriously considering resigning from the P.C.C.. I am more than sure that churches should have remained open - OK, no services - and I had started to use ours as a hub for the village to pick up craft materials, was working on a book exchange --- and then we were told to close the building. Result? The focus for all the young mums, and everyone else is now the bus-shelter where book racks have appeared and craft items and information shared.

Forget cross - I am furious with Archbish. Welby. Probably un-Christian of me and I will pray for understanding and forgiveness later. Right now, I'm cross, very cross..... just when the church should have been the focal point. Mutter, mutter, mutter......
Is this thread in English? :-) or Northern? Lol x
Thank you for the BA,Bobbi.

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