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Lot Of Fighting Talk From The Crats..........

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ToraToraTora | 08:26 Thu 20th Aug 2020 | News
33 Answers
....will they offer the US public anything new? As I see it the 2 biggest problems in the US are gun control and Heath Care. Both of which are political suicide to try and change. So are both sides now just left to fight over largely irrelevant scraps?


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The biggest problem in America is division.
There’s a chance, post-Trump, to address that.
Four years of Joe, then let him stand aside for Ms Harris or whoever.
What are the Dems offering, all they seem to have is sound bites like 'Orange man bad'.

Why dont they come up with facts and figures on what he has done wrong rather than just attack the man. Seems very odd.
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They are carrying on like the remoaners did back in 2016. Negative campaigning only. They never told us what was good about the EUSSR they just tried to scare us with project fear. We know how that worked out. The Crats are doing the same here, have they learnt nothing? It's only a few weeks away but we have heard no policy initiatives no new ideas, no reason why the US public should put Mr Biden into the WH.
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sorry, wrong thread
> As they stare into the mirror and perceive only the myth of their exceptionalism, Americans remain almost bizarrely incapable of seeing what has actually become of their country. The republic that defined the free flow of information as the life blood of democracy, today ranks 45th among nations when it comes to press freedom. In a land that once welcomed the huddled masses of the world, more people today favor building a wall along the southern border than supporting health care and protection for the undocumented mothers and children arriving in desperation at its doors. In a complete abandonment of the collective good, U.S. laws define freedom as an individual’s inalienable right to own a personal arsenal of weaponry, a natural entitlement that trumps even the safety of children; in the past decade alone 346 American students and teachers have been shot on school grounds. The American cult of the individual denies not just community but the very idea of society. No one owes anything to anyone. All must be prepared to fight for everything: education, shelter, food, medical care. What every prosperous and successful democracy deems to be fundamental rights — universal health care, equal access to quality public education, a social safety net for the weak, elderly, and infirmed — America dismisses as socialist indulgences, as if so many signs of weakness.

I guess Biden is trying to reverse that flow, whereas Trump is a product of it. Perhaps Biden is a modern-day Cnut. As for Trump ... typo?
Well Obama did try and do something about healthcare and gun control
Expanding Obamacare is a major goal, as it says at the link above and despite the question
Biden a modern day Cnut? I like that. His mission perhaps therefore to push back the u that came before :-)
Is Kamala Harris ,black white or Asian ?

// Harris was sworn in January 3, 2011 as the first African American, first Asian American, and first woman to serve as California attorney general.//
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African, born in Kenya I believe......oo hang on!
Born in Oakland,California.
Jamaican father and Indian mother.
She was born un the US but some mischief makers have already queried her right to stand as her parents were not US citizens at the time of her birth.
Tho I think they’ve shut up now
I know that
What I was really asking is how she sees herself - black or Asian ,or how is the described in the public eye

You know like Obama / Hamilton
Go to Google and put in...

Does Kamala Harris see herself as black

You'll see that the past few days there have been numerous articles on the topic, have a look through some.

As for the lady herself, I don't know if she has made an announcement one way or t'other.
'Hea(l)th Care........political suicide to try and change'

Didn't Trump win on a promise (among other thinks like Mexican border walls) to repeal Obama's healthcare measure?

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Lot Of Fighting Talk From The Crats..........

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