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Over Priced Or What?

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Caran | 22:16 Fri 04th Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Locally we have a very good smokery. We went there today to get some hake. He only had one very small piece left. He offered two small pieces of brill. Not had that before but said ok. He said that will be £18.60. I nearly choked. I told him no thank you. We left. What would you have done?


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No idea if that is what its worth but no, I wouldn't have bought it either.
I'd struggle to justify that,never tasted it though.
seems like he was trying to stitch you up like a kipper

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Best part was at first I thought he said £8.60 which I thought was a bit much for the size of them!
Fish used to be as cheap as chips! Not any more. I treat myself to a small piece of smoked cod or haddock per week. This will cost me about £4, which is more than I paid for a piece of fillet steak of the same weight last week.
Brill about £22 a kilo.
I would have asked the price first.
The old saying is: 'If you have to ask the price you can't afford it'.
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There was no price displayed on each type of fish. I couldn't work out the weight of each piece of fish so when he told me I was shocked that someone would pay over £9 for a smallish portion.
And that's a load of rubbish, Jack, is it only me you say that to?
It's a quote often attributed to J P Morgan,an American Financier and is of course complete bunkum.
At that price it's better to get a home smoker and do your own
I'm glad I'm allergic to fish!
I don't think it's so much the fact that it's smoked as the price of the fish itself. 60 years ago people who couldn't afford meat ate fish. Not now. Nice one, Mr Heath.
told him where to get off, why would it be that expensive any way
I have mostly switched to Pollack I can still get other fish from Birmingham market. The black community means loads of strange fish are available too
//why would it be that expensive anyway?\\

Think EU. Foreign fleets plundering our waters. If you want fish you have to go to a supermarket. There are no fishmongers left within a ten-mile radius of where I live. The question of fish alone was enough to justify Brexit for me.
Ah, now 'UKippers' begins to make sense.
And it's brill.

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