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A Plus Of Covid!

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diddlydo | 10:45 Fri 06th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
No poppy sellers on the streets and no door-to-door collections!


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You have a problem with poppy sellers?
Was this posted just to cause an expected reaction? Hopefully very few will answer!
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Merely an observation and to see how many agree with me.
I hadn’t even thought of it. I guess there will still be a way to donate, should we want to.
Arh yes,why not penalise the Royal British Legion ,what a great idea !!!!
I got mine at the checkout in Sainsburys yesterday.
Why is that a plus? You don't have to buy them.

I got mine when I went to the hairdressers last week. She had a tray of poppies and a collecting box on her counter.
// You don't have to buy them.//
I dont think you CAN buy them
it is not a contract of sale

(not that I wish to change your mind on this)
^There are times when emojis would be very welcome here. So much easier than saying 'Put a sock in it'.
I've been really disappointed, we always have them at work and I always donate to the door sellers.
The real negative is we are so paranoid that we think paper poppies are covered in Covid.
you really are a cheerful bod aren't you
I don't think I've ever seen a poppy seller on the street, not one who I would have wished not to see.
Nor has a poppy seller ever come to our door.
So tragically I am missing out on this rather bizarre happiness :-)
sainsburys locally are selling poppies. usually you get armed service personnel out in force down by the stations up here.
^ to the OP^
for those who like a bit of quirk, like me, I support the British Legion through buying these...I wear a poppy as well when I go out of course.
not to mention go on line and buy one from the Royal British Legion, then one can say one is doing one's bit.......i bought my poppy pin last year from them, cost 5 quid - and happy to do it
One 'plus' I have noticed is the massive reduction in the number of scam phone calls.
woofgang, snap
Diddlydo getting the reaction she wanted then?

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