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Being Handsome Is Curse??

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udayreddy | 06:32 Sat 18th Dec 2021 | Society & Culture
19 Answers
I am a very Handsome Man happily married to my soulmate. At work Women try to flirt with me, but when I ignore, they feel rejected. They Team up Harass,Tease,Revenge & make my life hell. Tried to stand up and complain to boss but nothing worked. Please Help


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I feel your pain Udayreddy, it's a cross some of us just have to bear. I recommend you get fat. It worked for me.
07:05 Sat 18th Dec 2021
can you change jobs?
you shouldn't have to of course, but maybe a move away from these women would see you happier.
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I feel your pain Udayreddy, it's a cross some of us just have to bear.

I recommend you get fat. It worked for me.
very few men i would consider handsome and none you listed 1ozzy, our OP should move to another place, though if he is as handsome as he says then it's likely that won't cure the problem
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It's not that you are good looking... My guess is you actually send out the wrong signals, oh sorry that's what men say to women in that situation.I

Tell them firmly you find their behaviour inappropriate and you want them to stop.
Then if it continues put your concerns in writing to management, if necessary involve your trade union if you have one. Men have the same protection as women but many do not invoke those rights. If management do Mitchell you may have to leave but you might have a claim for constructive dismissal due to their failure to act in a case of harassment. Try to find a solicitor who specialises in employment law who does the free initial interview to see where you stand in this case.

Do mitchell?? Fail to act
You have the right to complain if you feel intimidated or harassed in any way. Whether you are handsome or not should not make a difference. You do not have to put up with unacceptable behaviour from other people.
Please stop blaming yourself - being handsome has nothing to do with it - it is all about power. These women know they can get away with what they are doing, so they will continue to do it. You need to take action against them.
I agree with rowanwitch - men have the same protection against harassment as women, and you need to put your complaint in writing to the management.
The fact is, you are being harassed, and your employers have a duty by law to do something about it.
It is thinking that you are a very handsome man that is the curse.
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord It's hard to be humble,
But I'm doing the best that I can
I flirt back. No harm in it.
It is a compliment you get, and one you can return.
Ignoring people is not the best way to get on with them.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the most handsome of all?
You are Ken, without a doubt.
Thank you, mirror. Roger. Out.
So how many women have teamed up against you?
I used to have the same problem. There i'd be sitting minding, my own business, licking my eyebrows, and the women would just flock around me. :-)
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Who is the farest one of all?
"You are Ken" the mirror replies
The gullible prat believed it's lies.

At least the 'gullible prat' can spell fairest, Mozz. Just sayin' :-J
It's one of those occasions when I pressed "answer", then saw the misspelling and thought "He's going to definitely pick up on that". :-D
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