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Men Cooking!!

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Caran | 20:27 Tue 28th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
OH spotted arecipe in the papers this morning for a turkey and pasta leftover decided to have a go. Lots of noises and clattering from the kitchen. After about one and a half hours I asked was there anything I could do, he suggested washing up!
Well!!! 5 saucepans, a colander, a sieve and numerous bowls later I did it.
So much gloop everywhere, I was a bit dubious. But!!
He did good, it was very good, turkey, mushrooms, phillycheese, and pasta. Other things too that I have forgotten. Lots left that I will freeze. Nice to have a meal cooked for me!


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Nearly all of the world's top chefs are male, Caran ;-)

With the shops likely to have loads of cheap Christmas puds at the moment, I'm getting tempted by this:
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That sounds delicious Chris. I will copy that for future use. Thank you.
Male Chris!

What about Delia ;-)

I'm all for men cooking, Caran. Been here almost three years and I've cooked...well once I can recall and that was sardines on toast. Had to ask Dave to turn on his new hob before I could do that.
He's not too bad with equipment as my task's to clear away and load the dishwasher and he doesn't want me grumbling... :-)
Top chefs listened to the golden rule in their lessons - clear as you go.
Delia's a fraud, Canary42.

She advertises Sainsbury's stuff but she actually shops in my local Tesco ;-)
that recipe chris sounds UTTERLY vile
Delia Smith is not a chef...nor is Mary Berry...nor is Nigella Lawson.
Well then what about Carol Smyth - three Michelin stars.
Cheffe, Ginge?
Buenchico - don't be so harsh on St Delia! I know exactly where she lives and Tesco is much closer than driving to Ipswich or Bury for a Sainsburys.
You must live near canary42 then diddlydo

Didn't Delia start her career writing recipes for magazines, and for making the cake on the cover of the Rolling Stones album Let It Bleed?
My husband is a good cook but uses what seems like every pot, pan, spoon, fork, etc., in the house to boil an egg!
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My husband is a great cook , makes our meal ever night, only thing he can’t do is the gravy and y pudds on Sundays
Greatest chef of the world?

My Dad was a great cook too, his Christmas dinners were second to none and I miss them.
Lovely to have a meal cooked for you, especially if it was good. My neighbour lives with her son, he's a good cook and when he cooks, she washes up. Seems fair enough but she says he uses every pan and utensil he can lay hands on.

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Men Cooking!!

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