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Oh Dear...katie Is At It Again

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pastafreak | 16:59 Fri 15th Jul 2022 | ChatterBank
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Body dysmorphia, which Ms Price clearly suffers from, is a very tragic condition.
The only thing that astonishes me about Jordan, is that as her looks wane, as her fame wanes, and as her tits get ridiculously bigger (they’re really horrible), is that she hasn’t resorted to porn, although I think it’s probably only a matter of time.

She’s an oinker.
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I've seen many comments relating to her having body dysmorphia...but have any been made by psychologists?
I’m not sure about body dysmorphia. Perhaps she just likes tattoos.

Like many celebrities who try desperately to cling on to what they once had, I think she’s becoming ‘sad’.
Was she not made Bankrupt last year, doesn't seemed to have stopped her spending at all
Often amazed at how many celebrities develop an ‘ism’ or an ‘ia’ shortly after they’ve been caught drink/driving or threatening an ex.
She must be Teflon coated, nothing sticks. Unaffected by her bankruptcy, unaffected by her frequent arrests, court appearances and seems to escape the responsibilities of motherhood, too
I remain constantly astonished how a bankrupt manages to go on so many holidays.

Her creditors must be spitting feathers (I know damn well I would if the pig owed me money).
she's got a silly mare on her stomach, that's only appropriate. But I'm not sure you need to encourage misogynists though, pasta.
I now feel sorry for her. My main concern is the effect her lifestyle has on her children.
Whatever she has in her life, it’s never enough .
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I do a bit also Anne. I suppose I'd like to hear her explanation of her behaviour. Not that we are owed one.
It’s just as well
There’s been no misogyny on this thread then Jno isn’t it.
If she didn't have the beach balls stuck to her chest and hadn't let the kids scribble all over her she would look good.

The media are always hounding her but she really is her worst enemy. She must embarrass her children with all her antics.

I'm not sure about words to describe her but I'm saying " what does she think she looks like". I should think other bankrupts would like to know where she gets her money from.
I remember a TV programme about her years ago where her eldest son was a toddler, it was before she had all the work done, she was very pretty, sham she spoiled it
Poor child. Consequences, Karma, call it what you will. Await her foolishness.
There seems to be different definitions of 'bankrupt' for regular people and for so-called celebrities, that Iceland woman was another one who seemed to enjoy a very comfortable benkruptcy.
And a different attitude about driving offences. I'm sure the public wouldn't be so sympathetic to an unknown who flipped her uninsured car while disqualified from driving and being drunk at the time.
We’re the public sympathetic prudie ? I wasn’t .
Wasn't she sentenced to community hours as a punishment? Has she fulfilled them or did the holiday get in the way? I think the next Judge should show some tough love. I pity her

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