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Do I Quit My Job?

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vern1996 | 03:46 Mon 08th Aug 2022 | Jobs & Education
15 Answers
I moved to Auckland, New Zealand from England in April. It was a really last minute thing, I was head hunted for a job and offered it and moved out 2 weeks later. I'm initially only on a year's contract but the boss has already told me that will be extended unless I don't want to. One problem - I am MISERABLE in this job. I have been here just under 4 months and I genuinely dread every day. The work culture is good and I have good colleagues, but I'm a surveyor and I hate the work, I have no passion for it and find every day a chore. I have already decided I'll probably head back to the UK next April after a year in New Zealand, but no sooner, as I have so much I wish to see and have family coming out here for Christmas. But I'm not sure I can cope for the next 8.5 months in this job. Only problem is - it's the only job I'm qualified to do and I am paid pretty well. I've had a quick look as hospo and retail work and the wages are really poor and I'll struggle to live in the house I'm in now on that wage, as well as struggling to travel around which is my main reason for being here.

Do I risk it and leave my job or do I struggle on for 8 months, accept 8 months isn't 'THAT' long a time? Feeling pretty depressed right now.


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//I'm a surveyor and I hate the work//

Would you be doing the same work if you quit NZ?
that's what i was wondering, did you do the same work in the UK, and was that awful.....
-- answer removed --
besides which isn't your girlfriend joining you soon, going on your other post.
stick with it

work to live
live to work

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
hing in there
It's winter out there at the moment isn't it?

Stick it out, because you will probably feel more positive in the summer. If you quit and return here now, you'll have the wet dark weather here soon.
Maybe if you switched to visiting people in their homes instead of the online surveys that would help.
You can make your working day bearable by planning to do things you enjoy in your free time - make time for the activities you love and endeavour to do your job well and get along with your colleagues.
You'll be home before you know it
Just a thought, would you entitled to stay for the rest of the year if you left the job?
Stick with it. On the only occasion when I was head-hunted I ended up in a similar situation. I stuck it out for a year then the Co downsized so I took voluntary redundancy with a handsome payoff.
Stick it put for now
>>> Just a thought, would you entitled to stay for the rest of the year if you left the job?

I was wondering about that too, Barry.

If Vern1996 has been given a work visa on the basis that there was no NZ citizen able to do his surveying job as well as he could, it might very well cease to be valid if he leaves that job. Brits aren't usually eligible for work visas for 'run of the mill' jobs, such as those in retail or hospitality.
You will be miserable but time flies so quick - try and stick with it.
is there something bad about surveying in NZ that wouldn't be true elsewhere? I'm told they're having a particularly horrible winter, which can't be much fun outdoors, but next winter here isn't going to be pleasant either.

I once stuck out a year in a job I didn't much like and was none the worse for it, and that would be my advice. But if you can't stand it, have you got something better to go to?

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