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That's The Way To Do It!

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Untitled | 12:22 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | History
36 Answers

a story from weymouth printed in the local paper in 1938

much to learn from! wouldn't you agree? 



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Well, we can't go round smacking people over the head with sand filled socks!

Not keen on freedom of speech then ?


Never mind, the mob will get violent and sort any officials out.

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we can make an exception for fascists surely

I wonder what he said & what is a 'Fascist speaker' ?

Perhaps their Communist dads put them up to it.

We should be told.

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i think it is pretty clear what a fascist would be in 1938 khandro. The BUF still existed. 

In 1938 they knew what fascists were like; people like Hitler...

It's a very flexible term, it was then and is even more so now. Ask Angela Raynor, she thinks the Tories are "scum" and any one to the right is a fascist.

So the message is: Freedom of speech only if we agree with what is being said. Right oh! There's my little commie!

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you are aware of who the fascists were supporting in 1938?

'What constitutes a definition of fascism and fascist governments has been a complicated and highly disputed subject concerning the exact nature of fascism and its core tenets debated amongst historians, political scientists, and other scholars ever since Benito Mussolini first used the term in 1915. Historian Ian Kershaw once wrote that "trying to define 'fascism' is like trying to nail jelly to the wall".[1]

A significant number of scholars agree that a "fascist regime" is foremost an authoritarian form of government; however, the general academic consensus also holds that not all authoritarian regimes are fascist, and more distinguishing traits are required in order for a regime to be characterized as such.'

Khandro; How would you define a fascist? (an agreed definition would make for a sensible discussion.) I suggest that the word 'authoritarianism' would come into it, and perhaps 'intolerance' and 'centralisation'.

BTW I don't like speakers being physically or verbally attacked, although it's a bit unsurprising given the circustances at the time.

Sorry I was a bit late, Khandro.

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that's fine khandro but there was an organisation of british fascists in 1938 and we know what they thought

12:41 of course but I've always though abhorrent views are better heard than shouted down. Then those espousing them can be identified for what they are.

And the response should have been to counter argue and show their case is flawed & wrong.

khandro: "'What constitutes a definition of fascism" - an ideology that allocates the "correct" view on any given subject and then villifies and condemns any dissenters. Things like men and women can get pregnant, have wombs, penises etc. Children can be drugged to satisfy their parents idiocy that their kid is somehow in the "wrong body", you know the sort of thing. That's the fascism we live with today. Their punishements are not as extreme as the nazis.....yet!

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i hate to tell you this tora but the nazis were extremely intolerant of trans people 

12:55 come on you're not that dim. This is not about the view on any subject. It's about the attitude that anyone without the prescribed view is to be punished, villified, cancelled etc. The actual subject is largely irrelevant. The whole woke TG cobras is just the latest thing that had got the modern day fascists on the march.

and the police did nothing.

My mudda said this happened alot in the thirties -  sort of evening entertainment if you cdnt afford the cinema that night

go out and pick a fight with  the fascists ( or communists)

sort of done in Peaky Blinders but not with the idea of young people going out and looking for (political) trouble


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fascism is not just about intolerance for dissent. plenty of authoritarian ideologies do that. 

fascism is all about categorizing people into desirables and undesirables, and either subjugating or liquidating the latter. 

i think that throwing things at such people is a healthy thing to do and i wish it happened more often 

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