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Airport Security

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ImLostAgain | 16:22 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Travel
10 Answers

I know you have to empty your pockets when going through security but I'm wondering if that means your jacket pockets as well even though it's going through the scanner



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Probably as well to avoid any delays.

No, you only empty the pockets of the clothing you are wearing as you have to go through a metal detector.

If you go through the scanner with metal on your person, they will usually ask you to check your pockets and then ask you to try again.

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Ok, thanks all.

Atheist, I wouldn't have anything on me as I've emptied my trouser pockets and put my jacket through the scanner.

Somtimes zip tags will set them off and especially walking boots.

If you go through the scanner and anything sets it off (underwired bras are a common trigger i know) they will take you aside to be checked by a human rather than letting you try again. Just aim to put anything like watches and keys in the trays.

Good morning all,

Thick clothing cannot be read by the scanners so you will end up having a 'pat down'.

A member of security told me this last week after I was stopped again.

In the queue for the security check at Dublin airport I noticed I'd a Swiss army knife in my trousers pocket.  

I put it with some coins in my jacket pocket and it passed unnoticed through the scanner.

Naughty boy🤭

Returning from Orlando, I had a shirt on with a ships badge sewn on, and it kept setting the alarm off when I walked through the scanner. I don't know why because it wasn't metal. It was quite a thick badge though, so maybe that set it off. Anyway, after a few walks-through, they told me to just move on! I thought it was Mrs Clarion speaking! 😄

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