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Isn't It Time

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vulcan42 | 10:13 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

 the BBC stop wasting the money we have to give them on things like giving Garry Lineker over £3500 every day?



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Is not having a  tv license still a criminal offence ? I heard last night that over 500,000 people last year did not renew their license. What are they doing, not watching any tv and just streaming on a pc or device?

insane amount of money.

You need a licence if you watch anything that is broadcast from any source not just the BBC. So if you tune into national geographic at 3pm to watch a documentary you need a licence. If you watch the same program via a streaming service, catchup, netflix, prime or whatever you do not need a licence. Tell me how you view and I'll tell you if you need a licence.

10:28 was for auntypoll

TTT we watch very little live programming just the news. Most programmes are recorded from sky or we watch Netflix. I suspect we need a license to watch live news 

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My question wasn't so much about the licence money itself but what they do with it. It's ridiculous that one programme presenter receives, I'll not say earns, nearly three times more than the head of the entire BBC.

There is a myth that Lineker is popular, so warrants the high figure. I've never understood why he, or any other retired footballer/sportsperson recieves the money that they do. All they talk about is conjecture. It's money for old rope and, as I keep saying, don't blame them for doing it. I'd do it myself if I thought I could get away with it.

10:41 you also need one because you are recording from broadcasted TV.

Lineker is a good presenter fair enough but there must be many good presenters for less dosh.

I wonder how much of his "earnings" come back in tax...

Good morning davebro 

Mr Lineker pays the top tax rate.

The BBC love the crisp salesman becuase he shares the same left wing woke political views as the BBC luvies who employ him.

Simple as that.


When will this 1980's era forum get an edit function with history of edits?

Good morning SandyRaven,

I believe Mr Linekar is a contractor not an employee.

In that case then he is probably (legally) avoiding paying as much as someone employed.  Even worse.

The man is a shameless champaign socialist and as said above he survives because he spouts the same nonsence those who renew his contract think.

^I agree.

//What are they doing, not watching any tv and just streaming on a pc or device?//

Not had a licence for years now, its odd at first but then you dont miss is, big thing is the tv is not turned on so much so good.  

What do we watch, well all tvs in the house are smart so we have Amazon, YouTube and if my daughter is around Netflix.  Plenty on there.

The other really good thing is you forget what an advert is, I only ever see one if round one of my daughters houses, it really is quite quaint.

Lineker's a freelance, not a BBC employee. They'll calculate his pay according to what they think some other outlet would offer in order to steal him.

The current BBC director general is a former Conservative party electoral candidate. The last BBC chairman guaranteed an £800,000 loan for Boris Johnson. The last but one political editor was chairman of the Oxford University Conservative Association. I do wish people would stop blathering on about champagne socialists. The BBC has been dyed-in-the-wool conservative since it was founded. It's true that the founder loathed Churchill - but only because he admired Hitler.


 I thought you  needed to have a TV licence if you have equipment , capable of receiving live broadcasts ?

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" The BBC love the crisp salesman becuase he shares the same left wing woke political views as the BBC luvies who employ him."

Walkers love him just as much as the BBC does.

They have now named their Salt and Vinegar crisps, Salt and Lineker !

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