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Anti-Depressants And Sex

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nailedit | 21:58 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
15 Answers

Ok, so Ive been on on anti-depresants for some time.

A few months ago I left them off because I no longer cosiderred that I needed them plus I was getting quite close to someomeone after getting sober from alcohol.   (it was heading towards the bedroom,...and they rendererrd me impotent)

After a few weeks I hit the bottle again.

Is this the rest of my flaming life?

Anti-depressents but I can never have sex again or

stay a drunk but basically...never have sex again....?




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I like & miss sex.


It looks as though your having sex days are over. Is there another option? No alcohol or anti depressants but the ability to have sex might be an option.

nailedit, I hope you're going to your appointment tomorrow. Maybe the doctor could prescribe a different antidepressant but your priority right now should be getting your cholestrol sorted out

^ cholesterol!

Listen to the doctors. Not having sex won't shorten your life.

Talk to your doctor regarding changing or reducing your medication...or even combining different ones. According to this link, they vary in how much they may cause difficulties. There's also some helpful information on coping strategies. Don't give doesn't have to be all or nothing.

Sorry, but coming off antidepressants is one thing.  Coming off them on your own volition despite medical advice to the contrary is your choice, and now you have the consequences.  If you're going to ask for medical help, take the advice given.

Maybe a combination of a different anti depressant and ED meds but perhaps a new relationship was too much to handle while getting and trying to stay sober.   You have talked about stuff that happened when you were younger, that is obviously still unresolved.   Maybe get your head straight and your unmentionable will follow.  Trying to be kind here but dealing with that amount of baggage before trying to build a connection with someone is really hard, why not give yourself a bit of space, and try again, (get to say 12 months so the positive changes have a chance to embed )

You need to nail the causes. If they're fixed hopefully you will no longer need booze or antidepressants. Or if you do still need medication it is at a lower level.


Can you discuss with your doctors about alternative antidepressants that are less likely to have the effect your present one has ?

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Well cut down on your drink then. That's as bad as the depressants ,if not worse, for impotence.

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//Well cut down on your drink then. That's as bad as the depressants ,if not worse, for impotence.//


Wrong, it actually isnt,

I can drink and still 'function'.

I can be sober and on anti depressant and dont stand a chance of a sex life.


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So, me and my GP have agreed to review meds once I get sober again (which I will,,,)

But if I want a love life, I cannot continue on these things...

They are awful. Like trying to play snooker with a piece of rope!!


Been on several different anti depressants. ALL had the same effect.

Cure one problem and cause another.

Are you in therapy?

How long does it take from coming off anti Depressants and starting to drink does it take?

Having zero idea about these things I would ask if lowering does age over time is a better option.

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