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Vegan Airfryer Cookbook

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noisynose | 18:57 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
8 Answers

I am asking this for Vegan friend

She has bought now 2 Vegan Airfryer Cookbooks from Amazon and despite saying that the measurements in them were British they were both in US(cup)measures

So 2 books have gone back

Can anyone recommend at Vegan Airfryer CookBook with British ingredient measurements 

I said she should go to a local bookshop and look personally and check for British ones 

Any views?



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Thank so much wolf for a very informative and helpful answer

I have looked at it,and forwarded it to her.

Many of the reviews mention UK measurements,so that should please her

Happy friend of Vegan



The link says there are no UK measurements 

Question Author

Thanks Barry

One of reviews does say no UK but several of the others have at least kilo/grams measurements which she is ok with

I will let her decide

But thanks for the input 



I've realised now there is more than one book in the link 

There's really no reason to be afraid or anxious about cup measurements. I happen to have a set of cupmeasures but in the past have used an ordinary small mug instead. As long as you use all cup or all kgs or all lbs it really doesn't matter.

Tell your friend to just use any old cup/mug/smallish container she happens to have, I assure you it will work.

Question Author

Thanks Vagus

I will give her your suggestion 

Niki Webster is British (from Shrewsbury) and advises Waitrose, et al, on vegan food issues. 

Her publisher, Pop Press, is part of the (British) Penguin Random House group. 

So it's likely that her books will use UK measurements. 

Therefore this might well be of interest to your friend: User Recommendation

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