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Sort Code And Account Number

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JinnyJoan | 17:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

I always always had the above on my Santander card but now I have changed to Danske I was completely unaware that the above is not on the Danske card.  I have it written on a piece of paper in the house luckily.

I needed it today when I visited my Insurance company in the city centre to join them and he asked me for the above so I said Ach no problem it will be on the card but it wasnt

It's good to know that but I want to put the above somewhere in my purse for future reference for anything else.

Would it be safe for me to put the numbers on the actual Danske card or dangerous.  Thanks for any advice.



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Good afternoon,

it's a really bad idea in my opinion 

I just looked on my debit card and the account number and sort code are on the back.

I assumed that jj had looked on the back...that's the latest way of doing it - rather than embossed on the front.

And, to DDIL...if it's a bad idea to have it with your card, why do all banks have it ON the card?

(But, don't write your PIN down...of course).

Have you looked on the back of your card, JJ?

Some banks don't print the details on the card, all the details are stored on an app

Is your card debit or credit. Credit cards have the credit card number on them. Debit cards usually have the bank account and sort code on them. You could write your account and sort code on a small card and have it covered with plastic to keep seperately in your purse. Do NOT include your PIN number.

We never think twice about our account number and sort code when we hand out cheques or our debit cards, or pay over the phone.

It will be fine to keep it in your purse 

Oh, I see...Danske Bank do things differently


I'm sure jj will love it!

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thanks for all your answers 

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