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Khandro | 09:33 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
9 Answers

Is there a limit to how much text can be posted in AB ? I just tried to enter a long text but it wouldn't enter.



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4000 characters is the limit shown at the bottom of the answer box.

Yes, khandro, there is a limit of 4000 characters.  You'll need to split a very long article into shorter chunks.

Sorry radagast, cross posted.

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Thanks !

Most of us wouldn't bother to read an excessively long post.

Some of us have longer attention spans

Do you bother with Hymie's YouTube videos of his mate Phil?

Not sure if it's the same on all devices [I'm on a 'phone] but right by the "Answer Now" box it shows the character count and this post is 287/4000.

Oddly, when I press for a space, the count increases by six but when I type a character after that space, it reduces by four.

I can't listen to YouTube vids usually, I don't want to disturb others

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