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Have You Ever Taken Bad Advice?

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naomi24 | 14:22 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

My hairdresser once convinced me to go for the 'natural' look - kind of curly and scruffy that looks so good on some people.  When my husband came home he took one look and said, 'I thought you were going to the hairdressers today'.


Back to the drawing board!  :o)))



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Maybe you just chose the wrong husband.

Yes - when I retired I was advised to put my lump sum into some sort of insurance bond. It was rubbish - they should have told me to buy a property or gold.

did they charge a lot to drag you through the hedge backwards?

Friends once persuaded me to have a facial/make-up before going on an evening out ....  had it done, cost a bomb, went home, looked in the mirror, washed everything off .. just not me 👩‍💼

A so called friend on a shopping trip told me a dress I was trying on, suited me down to the ground. Everyone else said it was the worst ever from style to the colour of bright pink!!!!

My father advised me to buy an old Morris Minor. I spent all my savings upon the thing. It failed seven consecutive MOTs after being repaired between each one of the tests.

After the seventh fail I sold it to the mechanic for my bus fare home. Thanks Dad.


"Use this new improved router we've sent you"

It didn't work.

They sent me another.

That didn't work either, but they still switched off the service to my original one.

Sorting all this out cost me a prolonged absence from Answerbank. I switched Provider eventually, whose router worked straight out of the box.

Yes - when I retired I was advised to put my lump sum into some sort of insurance bond.

I did a bit ( partially) - the people selling the bond took a commission which was all the interest of the first year.

it isnt tax free. ( gain on the bond) 

A belgian colleague was caught in a similar scam and so

Ils m'ont vu venoir - -  is the correct French for "they saw me coming". Funny what you learn from these things, yeh!


shopping trip told me a dress I was trying on, suited me down to the ground.

words you do NOT want to hear - oh I said I liked it, because you seemed to like  it ( but I didnt at all) - -  oh God

Hazlinny's story reminds me of my friend who was a lecturer at a beauty college. She asked her students to give me a makeover. They permed my hair, and my fringe broke off. They gave me a facial and put a ton of makeup on. I looked greenish yellow. I washed it all off and wished I hadn't gone there. It was supposed to be a treat! 

I have backed a lot of losers - but not  on advice. Same as on AB - lots of advice from wise Abers - some  the wisest people I hve ever read !

and no one complains of bad advice causing  loss ! ( discussed in Law around 15 y  ago and we concluded that that was because no one ever did what they were advised)

My father bought a Hillman minx 1960 and it was an absolute dog.


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