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Scaremongering.  Surely every household has a torch and candles, batteries - and if they haven't, they should.

"Pack a few essential items in your car boot to make sure you’re ready in case of getting stuck in wintry weather – this can include a torch, in-car phone charger, warm clothes and blankets, high-visibility clothing, jump leads, food and drink, and a shovel for snow."

It's August!. It was 33 degrees on Monday and about 25 today.

\\"Pack a few essential items in your car boot to make sure you’re ready in case of getting stuck in wintry weather – this can include a torch, in-car phone charger, warm clothes and blankets, high-visibility clothing, jump leads, food and drink, and a shovel for snow."//


I did this, I looked really stupid on the bus.

That sounds like the Express has simply re-hashed the standard advice about power cuts that's always to be found on the British Gas website:

(I've checked their recent press releases and nothing's showing there).

Surely having a torch, batteries etc. isn't "stockpiling".

Getting 200 toilet rolls is stockpiling.

The Express hasn't exactly got the greatest of track records when it comes to predicting the weather!

The Met Office currently has no weather warnings issued, for any part of the country, for the next 7 days:

For goodness sake.  Talk about making a drama out of something.  Do they honestly think that most adults cannot cope with a few hours without electricity?  We can lay our hands on most things that we need within seconds.  I can even trot outside and cook dinner or boil a kettle on the bbq.  Clearly a slow news day.  

It's second nature to us to have emergency supplies after the uncertain electricity supplies of the 50s, 60s and especially the 70s.  Every year I make a point of eating-up the tins on the shelf and replacing them. Still got some tinned foie-gras - yum!

I do not view these as emergency supplies.  They are standard items I keep in the house (in fairness though, we do live in the back end of beyond and it is VERY dark out here and we have regular power cuts).  

We have rechargeable, motion activated lights on our stairways and landing which are kept charged as a matter of course, the torches are kept charged, I've got candles everywhere. 

I view "wine" as an emergency supply since after several hours making conversation with each other, I might need a drink.

Why does anyone buy the 'Express'

I'm down to my last sixty toilet rolls, thirteen cans of Heinz cream of chicken soup, a dozen cans of Heinz beans and little sausages.  My spare fridge has about 160 500ml bottles of Pepsi Max.

My mum regularly ran out of stuff and I was sent to purchase whatever it was, with the instruction to not come back til you get it.

I like to be organised.

Food-wise I'm doing the opposite. I've stopped food shopping until I use up all that's presently in the house (or gets chucked if it's inedible). I will then shop twice a week to buy only whatever I intend to eat over the next 3 or 4 days.

//Why does anyone buy the 'Express'//

Because they can't afford the Mail?

A pub near us has a sign warning of a beer shortage, and encouraging panic buying.

What a load of old pony.

Click bait!!

Got 50 'giant sixed' bog rolls 10kg of pasta together with 6 crates of 'pop', 4 cases of beer and 50l of homebrew.

We're going to be fine 😁

Perlease, what a load of old pony, it'll just encourage the morons like in bog roll gate and that'll cause a problem where there was none.

I have essential supplies anyway, Cider, Lager, wine, Vodka, Brandy! Sorted!

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