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The authorities will be praying the perpetrator isn't a Muslim. 

praying to whom?



Surely someone must have caught the attack on a mobile phone and there must have been lots of witnesses. How come there is no rough description?

Of course there is a description even if vague. 

For some reason they dont want to release it.

dave50, take a guess.

It is stupid though not releasing details is what caused the riots here and Germany is just as much a tinderbox as the UK on the topic.

Cant say more or will be arrested by Chairman Starmers Stasi.

was a Snack Bar mentioned?

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Douglas Murray is absolutely correct when he talks about the strange death of Europe.

We have accepted that some adherents of Islam hate us and want to kill us. We are so inclusive and are even at ease with own demise.

Are you even allowed to say you hate Islam anymore?

''We don't who the perpetrator is'' I hear you cry.

I still hate Islam.

No clone, you need to be careful.

Dont open the door if you get a knock in the night or it will be the gulag for you.

Well seeing this was a"celebration of diversity",i would presume the attacker was someone against diversity.Maybe a(white) right-wing German nationalist perhaps?

I'm pretty sure they havea description.


Police spokesman Alexander Kresta was quoted by German media as saying "we are currently assuming that it was one person" after talking to numerous eyewitnesses.

Police also said they "have no indication of his whereabouts", nor details about his appearance.//

So they spoke to numerous witnesses who said it was one person but didn't give a description

You might think that with a manhunt going on they would issue as detailed a description of the suspect as they could muster....

A 15 year old has been arrested 

IS has claimed responsibility.

"stormed a refugee centre"

So it is an immigrant "seeking asylum" no doubt. Damn savage.

One of Merkels refugees she welcomed no doubt or a rubber dinghy person

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Kumbaya, diversity is our strength etc.

Now let's move on, and focus on the Far-Right.

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At Least Three People Killed At City Festival

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