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Are There Any Tales Of The Unexpected Enthusiasts Out There?

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Treacle71 | 18:36 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers

I'm trying to find the name of the episode where a man builds a coffin for someone, but ends up in it himself. The inside of the coffin had metal swords/spikes coming out or similar; maybe nails, even.

Thank you!!!




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Have you looked through the episodes on Wiki?
18:59 Sat 24th Aug 2024
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How lovely of you, barry. I'll take a look and let you know! 😉

Thanks for that link Barry, I've just spent a nostalgic half hour scrolling through (I'm sure I watched every episode at the time).  Difficult from the synopses to identify many of them, but I guess that's to avoid spoilers.  The leg of lamb one is the most familiar to me. I can't spot the coffin one I'm afraid Treacle.

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Thank you, canary. I just felt like a Tales of the Unxpected Night!

I enjoyed the series but don't remember much detail.

I loved the extra twists in the end, for example in the LegoLamb episode she didn't just destroy the evidence by cooking the murder weapon, but the investigating Inspector and his team end up eating it.

Canary - I loved that as well.       After years of thinking , it helped me to come up with an insoluble Christmas  murder short story.  If I knew how to - I'd post it on here at Christmas - but I don't, sorry............... I should have shut up really.

 'Tales of theunexpected' was brilliant.  The coffin thing was a bitof a reversal of the coffin with an alarm-bell built in, which was quite a 'thing' for a while as I remember.

I used to watch them when they were rerun because having moved near Norwich I liked to see familiar though much dated places!  Can't help with this episode though.

They seem to a few episodes on Sky Arts on a Sunday morning

The Leg of Lamb one was a remake of an Alfred Hitchcock short , maybe others were remakes too.

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I've enjoyed reading your answers 😊

The only one I can remember had Ralph Richardson as a vicar who went round buying up old furniture, conning people and telling them the furniture wasn't  much use, then selling them on to a top antique furniture store in London. It also starred Bernard Miles. I'll leave it at that in case anyone wants to watch it.



.....Ralph Richardson as a vicar..... it was John Guilgud

the one I most remember is actually true:


I thought  the one with the Iron  Maiden and the eye gouging was a Vincent Price  horror film. He is  obviously in  the final shot

Yes PP I think that's "The pit and the pendulum".

Thanks janzman. 

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😮 Wow guys xx

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