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News From Deutschland.

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Khandro | 12:27 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | News
34 Answers

Saxony and Thuringia: Germany resumed flying convicted criminals of Afghan nationality to their home country despite human-rights concerns, days before regional elections in which migration is a big campaign issue. The AfD is predicted to come in first in at least one of the elections, which would give a far-right party the most seats in a state parliament since World War Two. Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised more deportations after a deadly mass stabbing in Solingen. A Syrian man with Islamic State links is the suspect.

Seems be the right thing to do wouldn't you say?



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Self interest in continuity of employment tends to focus the mind in the short term at least.

I wonder if we could borrow the tool used to get action from our deeply flawed politicians

Stable doors and horses spring to mind.

You would know better than me but as I understand it immigration is causing massive difficulties in Germany. So it's unsurprising that parties pledging to do something about it are gaining support.

What I don't understand (and it applies in the UK as well) is why such parties are described as "Far Right". If there is a massive problem being caused for the people already in the country by people arriving from abroad (many of them uninvited) then surely it is the duty of the government to do something about it. Come election time, any paries choosing to ignore such a problem deserve to lose support.

So why has it suddenly become "Far Right" to pledge to act in the best interests of people already in the country?

Yes, the governement here seems to have got away with using the 'far right' excuse, and the same seems to being done elswhere, but I think the tactic wil wear thin and more and more people will see through it, and frustration will build as people see their legitimate concerns are being ignored by the politcal class who don't face the issue as much as the average citizen does, especially in deprived areas. 

Yep anyone who cares about their own nation seems to be "far right".

It's about time we started doing likewise.

//What I don't understand (and it applies in the UK as well) is why such parties are described as "Far Right".//


'Newspeak' - like so many other words and phrases currently in vogue, designed to denigrate and alienate anyone who dares to reject the politically correct agenda.

'Newspeak' -  ..... correct agenda.

No that is not newspeak. Newspeak involved the wholesale scrapping of words. 'Good' was OK but why have 'bad'? rather than ungood?

the idea was that the reader cdnt even say " Big Brother is double-plus ungood" as it made no sense. BB cd NOT be ungood.

see addendum in '1984' (the book)

"Far right" is not twisting words and portrays accurately, shaven tattooed drunk pot-bellied voter. - certainly not Newspeak - but perhaps True-speak !

(yeah OK I am heading for an early shower)

//(yeah OK I am heading for an early shower)//


Probably the best idea you've had today.


governments don't get it, letting in huge numbers of young men with dubious back grounds, all i forsee is when they have leave to remain, they will bring there families over, it's like a beach head ruse, makes me wonder how long till someone in power coughs and says this is unsustainable, and had the spine to end this invasion and start mass deportations, not just the uk but the eu as well, but i won't hold my breath, diversity is our strength, reminds of dorothy in the wizard of oz, theirs no place like home...


Further news from Deutschland.

Seems be the wrong thing to do wouldn't you say?


14:19 yep it's neo fascism, you WILL have the "correct" opinion.

To be fair though they could have gone with 'baldy bird' and stayed on the right side of the idiocy in play.

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j.t.h. ;   If you believe those ridiculous two tweets you've put up, you'll believe anything 😄 

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jth :  "  The judges came to a decision quickly, and the trial ended in expedited proceedings without an oral hearing.


2.19pm - we're living in strange times when referring to a man (who is very clearly a man) as a man, can land you with a quarter of a million fine and jail.

^That's actually quite sinister.  

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