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F A O Nailed It.......

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ToraToraTora | 09:59 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
77 Answers

Just thought you'd like to know, I am going on the wagon for a month starting now. I invite you to join me and maybe kickstart your own campaign. I've had too many boozy sessions of late and I've decided to knock it on the head for a month, maybe longer. 😉



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It's a shame that one Aber can't address a serious issue and invite another friend to join...within someone else spoiling it.I may also join...this has been a boozy weekend 😳 
11:28 Sun 01st Sep 2024

I'll join...😀

(just got a bottle of red to finish off first)

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^Taking a break then?

Choking here;-)

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Good for you, TTT. I'd join you but it won't mean much, I only drink alcohol on high days and special occasions.  Haven't had alcohol since May

I'll join you both, tomorrow.

Got a nice bottle of wine for today.

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Gulliver, stop goading.

It's a shame that one Aber can't address a serious issue and invite another friend to join...within someone else spoiling it.

I may also join...this has been a boozy weekend 😳 

I've already knocked it on the head TTT but I will continue September  with you x

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11:28 that's whaqt happens when you let one poster ignore the rules, sadly. If I did I'd be suspended straight away. 

I'll drink to that.

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I would be delighted to join you but I'm going away again a week tomorrow with three friends and I don't want to let the side down...

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