Broadband Speed in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Broadband Speed

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wiltsman | 16:18 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Technology
13 Answers

I use an Acer Swift 1 laptop, it's about six years old now, and just recently it seems to be very slow. i did a U Switch broadband speed test earlier and the speed it reported was, download speed 10 Mb/s, and upload speed 9 Mb/s.

I did this test about two metres from the router, and I was the only person in the house. So, is the slow speed I'm getting due to the age of my laptop, or do I need a new router, or could there be another answer?  Thank you.

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I'd have been inclined to blame the Internet provider.

Have you tested the speed via ethernet?

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Explain further please Barry.


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barry - I interrogated Google, so I'll now try as you suggested.

That's the only way to check the speed of your broadband properly, wiltsman.  What speed should you be getting according to your supplier?

I'm guessing barry means to try it with an ethernet cable plugged directly into the router rather than connecting to the router via wifi. Spurious radio waves can upset wifi reception where a direct cable gives a true connection.

sorry barry - I gave you a few minutes and then thought you were off doing something else.

That's okay, wiltsman googled and got the answer whilst I was busy :)  

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barry 17:43

My internet provider's average stated speeds are:

Download speed 35 Mb/s

Upload speed 9 Mb/s

So it looks as though I should be chatting with my internet provider.

Unless, say, you're downloading massive video files, having a download speed of 10Mbps shouldn't apear to slow your laptop at all.  I'm still using an old ADSL connection, with exactly that speed, and I know nothing would seem any faster on my laptop with a download speed 100 times or more faster than I've got now.

Download, install and run Glary Utilities to clean up your laptop's registry.  Link here
and review here


Unlikely to do with the age of your laptop.

I had trouble like yours until going to fibre to the cabinet which is sold has 80/20 maximum, I get more like 65/15 which Is fine for our needs. On the old setup Openreach would always say it was our internal wiring causing faults, strange how the internal wiring mended itself once we had the fibre setup 

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Thank you all for your informative replies.

Just try one thing.

Reboot the laptop and the router.

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