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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:33 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

And how are we all today? Not sure what todays weather is meant to be but looks very, shall we say autumnal, out there at the mo. Only this country can have 5 completely different types of weather in a month! From 30 plus degrees to the heating on lol. 
Have quite a bit of work to do today but  not too bad. MIL rang lastnight and invited us for a meal on Saturday as we haven't been to their new house yet. This then somehow turned into staying the night, then Sunday lunch the nxt day lol. But they are such amazing people that I can't wait to see them - I truly hit the jackpot with them when I met MrSmow. 
Have a great day everyone x



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Good Morning Smow et al.

Does Mr Smow know you're only married him to sponge off his parents [only joking Smow, it sounds a lovely situation, I'm really envious].

Very autumnal here too. My plans today include clearing out all the rubbish in my garage which the kitchen installers left there - they promised to collect it, but didn't of course. Perhaps a bonfire later although I'm reluctant as it's not very neighbourly.

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 Morning  Canary lol. I often wish we had a garage (we are a mid-terrace ) but most people I  know with one say they usually end up as dumping grounds for everything & rarely used as an actual garage lol. Would still like one tho : )

Morning Smow and all

Persistent rain here for 24 hours, the sort that is too lazy to bounce off, it goes straight through.  I have the washing machine, tumble dryer and freezers in the garage, works well.  

Moning Smow, canary and all who follow. It feels quite autumnal here as well but at least it has stopped raining. OH is just going to the next village to pay off a garage bill and to get advice on tarting up the car which I must get on and sell. Other than that we have nothing planned. Smow itsnice when you get on well with your inlaws

It must be hell if you don't get on with the in-laws, especially when the children arrive

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Still grey here but the sun is trying  to peek thru!! 

Morning,   definitely starting to show signs of Autumn, very misty yesterday morning and the first hints of gold and red showing in the trees.  

I was lucky too. I had great in-laws,  certainly miss them more than my ex husband.

Good morning (only just!).I turned over this morning and went back to sleep for a couple of hours - must have needed it. Torrential rain last night, but at least have got shopping done so I don't need to go out for a couple of days. Nothing planned for today, could do with a good book to read. Any one recommend a good contempory novel (not science fiction)?

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Morning Rowan. lol that made me laugh re ur ex! A lot of people don't think of that when they split up/divorce etc.... they sometimes lose amazing in-laws.

Hi calda - are you reading/buying an actual book or downloading onto a Kindle?  

Morning - or afternoon - I've lost track. 


Calda, have you reasd Khaled Hosseini's books?  He wrote The Kite Runner - very good -  but his best in my opinion is A Thousand Splendid Suns.  Unforgettable.  Alternatively have you had a look at Richard & Judy's Bookclub?  They recommend some good reads.   I think I got Girl on a Train and Brick Lane from them, and a few more.



Morning all. It's rather dull and overcast here right now, not much better predicted for later.
Trip to the hospital yesterday for a pre-appointment for the procedure I am to have on the 9th. Endoscopy to cauterise bleeding blood vessels on the stomach. (AKA watermelon stomach)
Blood test shows my HB is maintaining well after the last procedure (from 57, and now 121) so that's encouraging, still dreading the endoscopy though.
Must pop out this afternoon and get a few birthday cards for September birthdays in my family. Otherwise nothing else is planned. May treat myself to lunch out.
Have a good day all :)


That sounds unpleasant, ferler, but I think you were lucky to be diagnoses, so easily missed.  Good luck with the endoscope.

Yes Barry, they've been at least 7 years diagnosing that.
I have lost count of how many transfusions, iron infusions I've had over that time. But there, at least they now know why I am so anaemic.

It must have been a huge relief to get that diagnosis.  My mother would have been force feeding you pounds of black pudding

Sorry I have taken so long to reply, sat down and fell asleep again!!! I hope I am not sickening for anything. In answer to your question I am going to download a book onto a Kindle, (if I stay awake long enough to read it!).

watermelon stomach here

terribly arty farty - even for me -  "it has been associated with one  case of scleroderma" oh me oh my!"

"they wondered if liver conditions were connected to GAVE but they wasnt" -  oh me-o my-o

weren't  -  jesus

PP - I also have CREST syndrome, the "S" is for scleroderma. Thankfully not too prominent with me.

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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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