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Attention Of Brainiac, Check Previous Post Regarding Tyre Valves

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netherfield | 10:52 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Motoring
3 Answers

Your car can fail if the valves are not correct, they may now be bent at angle, which is regarded as dangerous, if it's not too late remove the plastic wheel covers before the test, depends how diligent the tester is, they will have to remove covers to check wheel nuts and studs, at which point they not notice the valves not showing and then put the covers back on correctly.



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Thanks.  Too late - car is at the garage right now, they've given me a courtesy car.  Fingers crossed.

My understanding is that MOT testers are not permitted to remove parts (of the car) in order to inspect other parts (even if they are removable without a tool) – they would certainly not check wheel nuts/studs beneath a cover.

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Do let us know the outcome of the test


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Attention Of Brainiac, Check Previous Post Regarding Tyre Valves

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