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The Pig

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Canary42 | 19:05 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Jokes
1 Answers

A guy with no skills and little brains gets a job helping out on a small family farm. On his first morning on the job, the farmer's wife says to him:

"I've got something for you to do. The butcher's coming by in half a hour to carve up some of our livestock for meat. Since my husband is asleep and likely still well drunk, I need you to go kill the pig and drag his carcass to the road."

"Alrighty," the guy says, and heads out. He comes back just a few minutes later.

"My, that was very fast," the farmer's wife says. "You done that before?"

"No ma'am, but it was pretty easy," the guy responds. "You know, since he was still asleep and drunk."



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