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Net Zero....even The Unions Can See It!

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ToraToraTora | 12:05 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

Yes the Tinos where just as bad. Can we stop this national economic suicide. We cannot make any difference even if we get to actual zero! Madness.



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What is it with politicians? Always want to demonstrate to the world their pure righteousness whatever the consequences.


Tino - there is no orlternative ? - makes sense anyway

//Can we stop this national economic suicide.//


Doubt it.  

At least up here in Scotland we are doing our bit for net zero,a major employer is shutting down putting 450 people out of work.This net zero is so good isnt it?.....apart for the workers that is.

Hey Tora, just told  you what I think about your comment on the 'Ukraine ' post, then read this and agree with you 100%, funny old world innit.  

// At least up here in Scotland we are doing our bit for net zero //

yes, by closing Grangemouth refinery but continuing to use it as an oil import terminal, says to me the scottish government acknowledge the country still needs the product, but are slopey-shouldering their carbon footprint somewhere abroad and out of sight.

At least the Scottish Greens and their puppets in the SNP will be dancing in the street mushroom.Perhaps the Grangemouth refinery should pretend to be a ferry building company,the SNP will throw millions of pounds at it.Well they wasted millions on a pretendy ferry building business.So far,ferries six years overdue,£270,000,000 over budget.

Yes, there's far too much smoke and mirrors goes on in this area- eg food miles, ignoring production costs of solar panels and wind turbines, burning imported wood -Drax, ignoring disposal costs.


It's crazy.

We all know we need to make moves to alternative fuels as oil wont be around for ever and also pollution.  But this "net zero" carbon is a lazy argument and not really provable except by some convoluted algorithm (That may of us could easily tweak to give a different answer I am sure).

But what should be done is a 50 year plan, and that plan has to bring all along with it, poor people and rich alike.  All this self flagellation will kill many and deprive them of any sort of decent living conditions ir life.

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15:12 common ground can usually be found.

"....burning imported wood -Drax, ignoring disposal costs"

Please don' start me off!!!!!  😁

"Net zero" is impossible without a considerble dose of "creative accounting". And Drax has mastered that art. 


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