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Cheesy Music

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drmorgans | 10:37 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


Probably been done before, but I was thinking about Edam and the Ants, Simply Red Leicester and Stilton John.




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Those Irish twins ... Cheddarwood 

Doobrie Brothers.

fleetwood mac'n cheese

'kraft' werk

We gouda get out of this place.

The Brie Bries

Bufala Soldier

The Cranbornes

Cream Cheese

The Doolin Brothers

Rarebit, rarebit, rarebit .....

Cheese and Dave 

Dura Dura

Fat Bottom Girl


Wayne Fontina

Mango Rebel

Sgt Pepper

Last one, brought to you by Kenne and claiming a little poetic licence with the first as it is actually Sage Derby. For this to work, pronounce the words as you see them.

Sage, Brie, Dorset, Txiki, Brick and Sbrinz.

Great name for a pop group.


The Yargbirds

The Cream Cheese

The Stinking Bishops

Red Leicestershire Underground

Lana del Whey

Little Feta.

Philly Collins

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Cheesy Music

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