Has Anyone Noticed? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Has Anyone Noticed?

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newmodarmy | 12:27 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
16 Answers

Has anyone else noticed that there are no posts pointing out genuine positive steps the new government are taking. Instead the only comments they can make are playground jibes and wind-ups along the lines of 'you lost....suck it up losers'.

If only more people could resist falling into his trap. Let's just ignore the poster. Just let him keep replying to himself and letting an ally post his missing links. There are several much more reasonable people on the left ( and right) with whom we can have sensible discussions.

I wanted to post this in Politics but there is no option in 'select a category.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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and wind-ups along the lines of 'you lost....suck it up losers'.

French call it - comedie de repetition - in fact change the words and it is what the crazy Brexiters said to the Remainers ( ad infinitum). And now the chance has come to say it to the Brexiters and see how  they like it

they dont ( see how they squirm when once they were triumphant, struck dumb or  lost in thought)

Andy H calles it dog-whistling but I dont think it is

"Politics" is a sub-category in "News".


We rest our case.

Peter 13.33 For best answer.....spot on Peter.

"Has anyone else noticed that there are no posts pointing out genuine positive steps the new government are taking"  Post away, no-one is stopping you!

I'm still waiting for the proposals to strengthen the economy. 

How did you not know that Politics is a sub category in News?  It stands out in Red.

I think I just broke my irony klaxon.

Barmaid ....🤣Pot and kettle also comes to mind🤣

LB, if you are adding a new post, the dropdown only gives you the main headings, not subcategories tochose from


if you make the new post from the section you want it to go in, it will go there

I wonder if NMA could provide a list from which we can select actions to praise.


If people wish to collect donations I will gladly give my three penny worth for a new Irony klaxon for barmaid

( and  left overs , if "wigs for wiggies" is on offer / sale then .....)

"I wonder if NMA could provide a list from which we can select actions to praise."

I was about to ask the same question.

Up to now I can think of no measures which the new government has taken, or which they have said they will take (which, of course, may or may not materialise) that will benefit the majority of people in this country.

You could, of course quote the removal of winter fuel allowance. This will "only" affect about ten million people, so not the majority. But it is a measure that need not have been taken as there are plenty of other areas where a paltry £1.5bn or so could have been found.

On Wednesday we heard the Foreign Secretary telling us that Climate Change is a far bigger threat to global security than Mr Putin is. The day before we heard Mr Miliband telling us that he will fight every objection against covering the countryside with wind turbines and solar panels.

We've heard nothing of any plans to reform the hopelessly inefficient NHS; nothing to tell us how public spending will be curbed when billions of pounds are being squandered weekly; nothing to ensure us that the country will no longer be an open door for claimants, criminals and terrorists to walk through.

In fact, nothing to demonstrate that any of the current bunch of charlatans occupying the government benches in the H of Cs has any more idea how to solve the country's problems than their predecessors, whom they criticised so much.

What we can be sure of is that because of the prospects for the country in the immediate future, more millionaires are considering upping sticks:


Consumer confidence has taken a tumble:


And over 10,000 illegal (sorry, "irregular") arrivals by people in rubber boats have been witnessed since the General Election.

So come on, nma, point out these "genuine positive steps" to us so that we can comment.

I have said this on several occasions. The post lack any grammatical sense as well.


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