Welcome to Title Builder Beta.
This small piece of kit is designed to make building your Quiz, Crossword or Puzzle question more effective. It should make finding your question easier for others and, the easier it is to find, the more likely someone is to answer it!
To build an easy to find question title simply select the paper and quiz, enter the quiz number if relevant and fill in the Publication Date. Once you’re happy click “Build Title” and the information should populate the Title field. Fill in the final required details of your question as you normally would, and click submit.
As this is a Beta we only have a limited number of papers and quizzes listed. If you think your favourite Quiz, Crossword or Puzzle should be listed here don’t hesitate to contact us.
Remember: You do not have to use the title builder - simply enter the title and question as you normally would and click submit!
Bold. (Scottish.)
Journey of a bride to her new home. (Scottish)..?A?E?O?E
1 to 7 of 7
1. Crouse
Deersold, the other clue is mentioned on the other thread, the one where you've just confirmed some of the answers given...
2. Probably Hamefare if "O" is wrong or maybe it is Hamefore ?
Thank you. The crossword is a pig, so many variations. I see my bygone is bygane. I preferred the old cryptic crossword they did.
Thanks must be hamefare and the clue I had (bygone) is bygane I suppose giving it an A rather than the O I had.
Thanks, Deersold, glad you're sorted. (I think Hamefare and Bygane were listed on the other thread).
Do you know the answer?
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