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Number Of Sharp Points

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Bazile | 22:49 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | How it Works
40 Answers

''Does knife blade have more than two sharp points ?            ( Other than sharp point on the cutting edge of the blade near the handle )''

1.Does that mean just one  sharp point on the cutting edge near the handle OR it can be more  than one sharp point on the cutting edge near the handle ?

2. Does the cutting edge include the part from the handle which is not sharp ,before the sharp part starts ?





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No problem with either I'd say. The knife is clearly not designed as a "zombie" knife. There are a few un even chips, clearly not points or serrations. The slight curve bottom right if not ground out is probably part of the original construction. I think that is fine.
15:24 Sun 22nd Sep 2024

You've asked this before.      

I suggest that you take it along to the police during the amnesty and ask them.

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This is a different question to the one i asked yesterday 

post a picture bazille, I have had recent experience of this.

By multiple sharp points they mean like this:

It means by design.


1. It means it has one main point at the end of the knife by design

2. Not unless it is extenuated like this:


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Keep a look out TTT , I will go and take a picture when my neighbour is back home 

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By the way , is that the one  you handed in Tora ?

Why not just ask the police? It might not be every station taking them in round your way so check online before you go 

11:10 no mine was a "Rambo" knife from the 80s. It was a great camping and general outdoor knife. I did a lot of that in the 80s. Mine only failed on one debatable detail (the jagged edge on the back)  so with some reluctance I handed it in:

On no account ask the police they will always say its one that should be handed in. Follow the flow chart on the other thread.


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Im  just a bit hesitant  posting a picture , in case it is a prohibited item and my neighbour does not have time to hand it in ( you never know who is looking in on here )

By extra points they just mean besides the main one. A  natural 90 degree corner near the handle is not a point.

I just need to check that all this talk about a knife isn't code for nuclear secrets or invasion plans.

The paranoia is palpable.

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Douglas , paranoia a bit , probably .

Anyway , TTT , am   I taking a  risk posting a picture , do you think ?

We have no idea who you are or your address so how would a picture of a knife identify a neighbour?

Maybe the neighbour is Jim Bowie.

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I don't know why it's not opening 

Any ideas ?

Where are the points???

It looks more likely to knock out someone rather than cut them.

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Any ideas why it does not open when I click on the link ?

11:51 I can't see what risk you are taking. Well possibly your neighbour may get peeved.

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Number Of Sharp Points

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