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The Clacton Back Bencher.

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gulliver1 | 10:21 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | News
35 Answers

Farage throws a massive Conference Party as Britains Biggest showman launches his Reform Party at the Birmingham NEC.Flogging tickets at 50 Quid a time   Roll up, roll up and come and see the biggest clown in politics since Boris Johnson got booted up his April.😎



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Oh, the irony of your calling anyone a clown!

Roll up, roll up, AB's biggest clown has just posted his latest envy-fuelled diatribe.

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Thousands of his disciples have paid their £50 entrance fee so far just to see the firework display as Farage makes his appearance on stage. Just like a scene from The Gladiators.

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Farage is treating being made an MP at last as if it's a Taxpayers side hustle.

the train provided by Avanti to take the party faithful back to London was either an inspired piece of planning, or entirely coincidental....... :-)


\\Farage is treating being made an MP at last as if it's a Taxpayers side hustle.//

Lol, have you seen your beloved Labour party.

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Amongs most of the Garbage spoken at the Mickey Mouse Conference was listening to Ann Widdecombe saying that Farage will be the next PM ...Gawd in heaven elp us.

One thing for sure, it won't be Labour ^

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Maybe we will see Farage and Widdicombe as dancing partners on strictly in a  couple of years time.

 I'd have thought gulliver IMP would have had a natural affinity with Nigel Farage MP.

Maybe we will see Starmer on it gulliver.  That way he will continue to get free clothes.

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Someone wil make a movie out of this Farce in a few Years time and probably call it 🤣 *The Clacton Kid rides again*🤣

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10.56 Read will not wil OK.

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Note ...Farage and his stable mate Richard Tice have both have set up Offshore Trusts for themselves for when the time comes to do a runner

Do you think that if a Priest came and performed an exorcism you could be cured of this demonic possession, gulliver1?

How do you know that gulliver - and if they have, how do you know their reason? 

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11.28 Google it.....It's as simple as that.

I found something about Tice having set one up in his 20s - almost 40 years ago - but nothing about him setting one up for when he does a runner, gulliver.  You wouldn't be telling porkies, would you?  That's a dodgy thing to do.

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I don't tell lies ..The names Gulliver not Johnson.

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