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B B C 2 Labour Conference......p M Key Note Speech Coming Up....who's Watching?

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ToraToraTora | 13:55 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | News
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It's obvious really hymie and corbeyloon. Rather than take a high earning role at say £80k pa and pay a whopping  rate of tax some settle for an easier life and settle for £50000 pa.  But if a favourable tax arrangement makes it more worthwhile to put in the extra effort/ hours/ risks/ stress for £80k he'd do it. He earns more and overall tax paid is more...just at a...
06:41 Wed 25th Sep 2024

Sorry, I'm washing my hair.

Sorry,im watching paint dry.

Only those boringly obsessed with the current political stage...which I'm not.

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^^^^ know your enemy, TGM and TGL taught us that.

I'll watch the news later and read about it tomorrow.  

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First thing I noticed, about 1 minute in the camera looked at GOAS and she had her best sneering look down nose face on. Next to her Yvette Cooper and Robber Reeves clearly got the memo to put on the admiring school girl face. Perhaps GOAS does have a plan.....

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"Country first, party second" - right oh, when do I get my new Saville Row Whistle?

Those three haven't by any chance got a cauldron tucked under a chair, have they TTT?

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still talking about their imagined "£22bn black hole" - gawd 2TK how long are you going to flagelate that late Equine?

Has he really just said the rioters in Southport etc were telling people who were born and bred and worked here to "go back home"

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Interesting, he's going after "tax avoiders" not evaders!

Sounds like lefty speak for making the pips squeak!

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He'll never "let a minority of violent racist thugs terrorise our communities"

But he will turn a blind eye to muslim grooming gangs and sharia courts.

Watched a bit in between putting my roast on.  Turned it off though as soon as he mentioned that he use to run a public business.  Fed up hearing about that especially after the mess ups it has made.

"Interesting, he's going after "tax avoiders" not evaders!"

Yes, very interesting, Tora.

I, along with a fair proportion of the rest of the country, do eveything I can to avoid tax. Apart from being the sensible thing to do (after all, who would stand outside in the rain tearing up £10 notes?) I see it as my moral responsibility (and the new administration is getting high on "morals", it seems).

We have most of our cash and shares salted away in ISAs or other tax-exempt products. Mrs NJ and I balance our funds so as to make the most of all the tax free allowances we can. We still get hammered, but we do our best to keep that hammering to the absolute minimum.

Tax avoidance is not illegal. MPs are able to take take far greater advantage of it than most, so why should those seeking to avoid tax be pursued?

But it seems to be part of a pattern: the police are recording "non-crime" incidents? Why? They have trouble enough recording crimes and bringing the perpetrtors to book so why should they record incidents that are, strictly speaking, none of their business?

We're in for five years of this claptrap which will benefit nobody. But those who put their crosses against the candidates wearing the red rosettes cannot say they were not warned.

Return the sausages

Thanks for the link to 'return the sausages'.

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what's the wurst that could happen?

Only you it seems. 

Get some rest Tora. You've got a few more years SG munching to do. 

Take it slowly or you'll fizzle out 

Many very wealthy people follow NJ’s philosophy in relation to tax avoidance – unfortunately this invariably results in the super-rich paying a lower tax rate than a tea-lady.  And when the government threatens to take steps to curb this, the rich cry foul and threaten to leave the country.


If everyone was to set themselves up as a private company and have their employer pay the company (avoiding PAYE tax), and then extract the money from the private company (paying minimal/no tax) – the government would have to stop this, or lose a massive amount of tax.


While only a relatively small number of people use this method to minimise their tax bill, the government can stand the loss – but it is still unfair to those who otherwise pay a higher tax rate through PAYE.

//If everyone was to set themselves up as a private company and have their employer pay the company (avoiding PAYE tax), and then extract the money from the private company (paying minimal/no tax)//

I don't understand this. Are you referring to  contractors who set themselves up as company? Doesn't a private company have to pay tax? Have you got a link to an example as a case study? I'm just curious.

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