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Your Thought On Recycled/2Nd Hand Presents??

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Smowball | 14:46 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Just curious really. I was in a charity shop the other day dropping some stuff off when a book on the shelf caught my eye. It was a huge book on hanging baskets all year round for the garden, which I know that my MIL would love! Was clearly brand new, with just the edges of the cover turned over a bit. (But actually with a bit of careful ironing could prob flatten). It was just £1! Origin price £20. So I bought it. 
Now I know for a fact that even if I told my MIL where I got it (which I won't)but thought she'd love it she would still really like it, probably even more so than me spending a daft amount on a new one, but other people would prob be very funny about getting a 2nd hand gift if they knew it was.

So what are your thought on it all? I personally this year have really tried to not waste money on new things and frequently buy on Vinted and similar. Or are you only happy if you've bought something full price and brand new??



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Nothing wrong with that at all, Smow! You can definitely finds some bargains in these places. Hope MiL enjoys her 'new' book. 😃

I love a trail round the two charity shops in town - bargains to be had and in almost new condition .... nothing wrong with buying second hand. x

Nowt wrong with a bargain. But make sure no one has written a dedication or whatever on one of the pages. Might be embarrassing.

If it was something I wanted I wouldn't care where it came from.

Best bargain book I bought was "The Great Rock Discography" reduced from £20 to £1. Using it quite a bit I've found there are 2 or 3 paqes missing (out of nearly a 1000). Hence the reduction I suppose.

Where is A-H BTW? Seems to be missing in action...

I have no problem with recycled presents but not the ones my grandmother used to give. Boxes of chocolates with either a few missing or so old the chocolates had turned white.

If it's only £1 I'd buy it and give it her now - "I saw this and thought of you"

^I would do that too.

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Boxes of chocolates with some missing?? Oh no lol.

Goodnisea about giving the book now btw, yes I will 👍

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*good idea.... 

trying to do 3 things at once lol.

Missing chocs are less of a problem than finding out it was the nut ones missing, and you were handed a bag of nuts as a supplementary prezzie.

15.54 Dave he might be on one of his cruises

nowt wrong with that at all. It's the thought behind it not where it came from.

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lol @ OG. Maybe the chocolate was sucked off the nut ones ! : )

Grandmother used to do that, suck the chocolate off the nuts and try to give the nuts to us

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