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Eyes Bigger Than Belly Surcharge?

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ToraToraTora | 13:58 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | News
34 Answers

What do we think? At any sort of "all you can eat" arrangement I never take anything unless I'm going to eat it. I think they are bang on to charge these idiots.



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There is already a thread on this situation.

I agree. And it's not as if they weren't warned. TWAU.

DDIL - that thread is from 2012.

I agree that obvious excess should be charged for.

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That's a different situation. They are banning people who actually eat too much. This is about those who pile up their plate and leave it. It's a different link.

When these eateries first came on the scene , people I think could not believe that they could eat all they can for a fixed price ; and so tended to pile their plates a mile eye .

Nowadays I think people are of the mindset that they want to have all that is on offer to get their money's worth and so pile their plates full and then find out they don't like some of the food 

What they should be doing is putting a small amount of each food on the plate and if there is any they don't like , then only a small amount is wasted 


That's ridiculous. You have already agreed an all inclusive price, so why should you have to pay for it twice. I'm sure this cannot be upheld by law.

What if you've left a load of food because it tasted like ***? 

Last time I went to a carvery the parsnips and were rock hard.


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14:17 it's all you can eat not all you can pile on a plate.

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"What if you've left a load of food because it tasted like ***? " - They first confirm the customer was happy with the food.

Gosh really King.  I could have sworn blind I saw a thread on it the other day.

Let's face it the restaurant has to make a profit. If the food intended for say 50 people only fed 40 because of all the unnecessary waste, then the restaurant would have to put its prices up by 25%. Therefore these greedy and selfish people are ruining it for the majority.

I totally agree what the restaurant is doing!

I saw the interview with the owner on our local TV channel.  It is partly about people taking way to much then leaving it but also about ones that pile their plates up maybe twice then take home a lot of it in bags.  Just got home from having a nice carvery and no I didn't leave any lol.

"It's just not practical to allow such wastage when the margins in business are so tight."

Surely the margins are the same on an amount taken, regardless of whether it's all eaten or no?

Not if they take so much that it could be enough for a meal for another paying customer

He is losing a lot of money if he is cooking enough food for 100 covers and only selling 50

JJ, what if the food intended for fifty people only fed forty because they were very hungry or just usually more hungry than an average group of the same size?

Whether all the food were eaten by forty folk or enough food were left to feed another ten, the same amount of money would be paid by both groups.

I avoid them - the temptation is to overeat & I (would) end up with indigestion.

//Surely the margins are the same on an amount taken, regardless of whether it's all eaten or no?//

But if people don't pile their plates with food they are not going to eat ,then the restaurant don't have to cook as much of the food  throught the day 

Exactly, Bazille

The CorbyLoon - according to the statistical law of large numbers, although you cannot judge the amount that a small group of people can eat, you get a much more accurate picture when you increase the sample size. A restaurant will know how much 100 covers will need fairly accurately, assuming that the customers EAT their food. However, no one can tell what they will need when customers take a huge amount in excess of what they can eat and waste it!

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