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Black Cats And Guinness.

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sandyRoe | 16:02 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

While sitting in direct sunshine the fur on my black cat seems to have a maroon hue to it.

A pint of Guinness also appears black but in strong light it also has that same deep reddish colour.

Interesting or no?



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Not interesting, then.  OK.

In sunlight, my cats appear to have almost bengali markings.

Something that amazed me was some years ago I went on a submarine in Tenerife.  My nail varnish changed colour the deeper we went.

Sometimes black cats can look brown...apparently caused by the sun.

I don't know about Guinness...maybe I need to get some. 🍺 <<<<wrong colour I know. 

That's one for the Science section, BM.  Did it change back to normal when you surfaced?

too much Irish milk perhaps?

I think so.  I was so spaced out (my two fears are claustropobia and drowning) that I headed to a bar for a stiff drink.  I do not remember much about the rest of that day.

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What prompted you to go into the submarine?

It's not something I'd do.

sandyRoe, it was a question of compromise.  Mr BM wanted to do the submarine thing (a no from me); I wanted to go whale watching on a small boat (a no from him).  It was actually not too bad and I was able to maintain control and calm throughout employing some techniques I had been taught when doing a course of hypnotherapy.  Then we went on the small boat which was fantastic (although he was a bit sick, bless him).  All in all we had a great time.

I only do not remember it because we then went to our favourite bar staffed by a barman we knew and got absolutely shedded.

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On the Tenerife trip I was expecting Blue Whales but what we saw were Pilot Whales .  They were about the size of dolphins.

This was a question in the 1968 Cge entrance exam ( phys)

why is the head on guiness coloured but weak beer white?

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I don't think Guinness is that much stronger than other beers.  About 4%, I think.

As for the colour, that's a poser.

Mr Guinness had a premonition dream of an aged Nelson Mandela and set his best beerologists to work, the rest is history.

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