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27M Unfair Punishment Help

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Gavin27 | 02:33 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers

Hi so I’m 27 m and still live at home with my parents. Recently we had a big family gathering and I got in trouble because I made fun of my nephew who’s 4 for still being in pull-ups training pants and having accidents and pooping his pants. What I said wasn’t even that bad but it ended up making him cry. Everyone was really mad at me and my parents said as punishment I have to wear fricken diapers for the next week. AND USE THEM!! They said I can’t use the bathroom at all. My bratty nephew thinks it’s hilarious since technically pull-ups are better than diapers and I don’t know what to do. I told my parents I’m 27 but they said I’m still under their roof so I have to follow their rules. How do I convince them they are being insane??



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Grow up and move out.

*** on the carpet

So good to see how far answerbank has sunk into the abyss.

Wear your big boy underpants with pride you sad useless *** that can't possibly think of anything actually interesting to post 😒

Made up nonsense.

Ask your friends in the infants class.

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