ChatterBank0 min ago
I've bought Boris Johnson's Unleashed. Looking forward to reading it. Anyone else bought it or tempted to?
just bought it, also bought this: User Recommendationref=sr_1_1?crid=C33A7W7V1KHL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3QyM5ulZ1NP1zTwgyr8pDMyFCXjH3XzakaGHRswRz29IyWQTcvpBG-Ok_ZQTEcUp_z5Xjh9g_0lYcszFzh0dHUC1JvZehAWXHWwD_cixjNeg9AI4aXDZ2vQR6wvF-_Rq3mg4D96bvpcgOUS8t4ufyXg_yC2Qz7LF3K4Jey4SkPrU-Wj09Se91_sbp71oF4GJDOGOuenhzEZZzaC4KKxBspFOkN3uANteTVnb4Cp0j8Q.zaQbyijrKao4jIxFNoQPm8FzQGvISs1gW_gryH3rzBg&dib_tag=se&keywords=david+jason+book&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1728649233&sprefix=david+jason%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-1
I won’t be buying a copy – but the current edition of Private Eye includes details of things that did not happen (at all) as Boris claims in his book – hence a work of fiction.
All the reviews of the book I’ve seen, basically point out that it is Boris claiming everything that went wrong (of which there were many) had nothing to do with him – it was all the fault of others.
That’s really all you need to know – unsurprising really.