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T W A U ....From Friday....

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ToraToraTora | 15:29 Sun 10th Nov 2024 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

Q: What measure of an alcoholic spirt is twice the standard amount?

A: Pint!




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Again, sounds about right for spirits.


OMG TTT! What's an alcoholic spirt?

Sorry, piggy. You beat me to it (if you'll pardon the expression.)

BTW, TTT. My alcoholic spirt is much less than yours. Not even 10 cc.

Definitions of spirt


 the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)

So possibly twice as much alcohol as one should have imbibed?


Is is poor etiquette to criticise someone's spelling on the web, no matter how dumbass.


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T W A U ....From Friday....

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