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Gb News, Advent, Christian Message

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Khandro | 08:07 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | News
33 Answers

Some will say this topic should be in Religion & Spirituality - maybe?  But this is something quite unprecedented & really newsworthy. GB News is giving a daily advent, short talk/sermon throughout Advent.

Is apathy to Religion, secularism & outright atheism allowing the continuing rise of Islam within the UK & the rest of Europe ?  With Jordan Peterson and others  pushing for a return to our core Christianity, is something afoot? 

On another thread ABers are rightly in awe at the newly restored Notre Dame de Paris. The experience & wonder proclaimed generally seems to be something more than just the praising of craftmanship. Is the sum total of that magnificent building more than that of its component parts?

Could some form of Christian revival be a welcome bulwark against the Islamification of the West?



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The Society & Culture section might have been better.  It's a topic that could generate a lot of discussion but it will disappear off the front page of News very quickly and will soon be lost.

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n. The please move it to where you think best.

Mods can't move threads khandro.  If you want to copy it and re-post it elsewhere I'll close this thread and remove it when you're done.

Since you've not come back to me khandro, we'll let this thread take off and I'll ask the editors to move it.


I don't see how people who aren't religious can be expected to become religious for any reason.  That said, in the circumstances you describe I think those of a western culture would elect to support a western culture - without the necessity for belief.

I don't see how people who aren't religious can be expected to become religious for any reason. 

I think it is called 'conversion' but who listens to me

( as in Damascene, etc) - 

in what was once Aldersgate, is a bronze memorial, commemorating the converstion of John Wesley, on May 24th 1738. John Wesley's evangelical conversion took place in a now-demolished Moravian Church believed to have been on this site.

now the post office graveyard I think

I expect that'd be the time folk go make a cup of tea.


If one wants sermons then I believe there are religious channels one can subscribe to.

I see it is just for advent.

Probably no worse than radio's thought for the day.

On the subject of splendour of religious architeture, the mosques in Istanbul take some beating.

Just saying !

The architechture of many religious places of worship is often amazing.  But thats what happens if you put your heart, soul and buckets of cash into it.

As for the OP, Not sure it really fits into todays society.  And surely all it will do is start legal procedings to include all religions?

It would be a pity if opposition to one set of fairy story believers relied solely on an opposing set of fairy story believers.

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OG /If one wants sermons then I believe there are religious channels one can subscribe to./

People who go to church & tune in to religious channels, by & large know why the are doing it.

The point of 'Thought for the Day' & now placing a small religious slot in a MSM news channel is more that by serendipity one may make a happy discovery by accident when not expecting it.

See PP above  at 08:57


Khandro, I 'saw'; PP at 08.57 but I think we can get too tangled up in the notion of western society suddenly turning to the church.  The point is if people have been raised in a Christian culture - as, like it or not, most of us have - 'conversion' of those who reject the spiritual philosophy isn't very likely.   That, however, is not to to say that if push ever comes to shove, they will not support a western way of life.

i think if a christian revival were to take place then it would need to look very different from the sorts of christianity we are used to. the truth is that many people raised in a christian culture turn their backs on that religion because they find it unsatisfying and associate it with an old world they do not relate to. i think that many of us who call ourselves "atheists" (myself included) end up with a kind of religiosity channelled into something else. look at the qanon cult or the bizarre levels of devotion that modern and educated westerners invest in politicians or celebrities. 

i think a christian revival is quite possible and has happened before... but it won't be the same christianity and therefore isn't going to turn the clock back in the way that khandro seems to want. If it happens then it will be a christianity for the people who didn't like the old one.

and it certainly isn't going to be led by GB News, a network by and for the elderly

"happy discovery" ? 😁


What we need is for agnosticism to take hold, then folk can hold their own spititual thoughts, musings, and beliefs, yet be aware enough not to take a particular religion's worse failings and use them as an excuse for unacceptable behaviour/decisions. They can then run their life and contribute to their society prioritising secular viewpoints instead.


Yes I do detect a gradual feeling being pushed that if an offical religion is necessary for society (a sad admission in itself) then Christianity is less problematic these days that most others; it is one which doesn't advocate slaughtering & abusing the unbeliever any more (possibly because it didn't take advice from a war lord of ancient times ?) so it is a religion that's preferable to many others.


But it is difficult, maybe impossible, to dissuade brainwashed converts to a group, that's hostile to civilization, from continuing to follow it. Perhaps the best course of action would be to ban faith schools (and other private schools ?) as being too risky, and try to teach the vulnerable about acceptance of others and correct behaviour at an age when they can absorb that message, and they would then have a defence against any contrary persuasion they may come across later in life. (Of course this would require the sacking of all woke employees from the state school system first or you may just encourage a different problem.)


But a few advent lectures are unlikely to do a lot,  especially for those already confused about how a normal sane individual behaves.

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OG //What we need is for agnosticism to take hold, then folk can hold their own spititual thoughts, musings, and beliefs,...//

The 'problem' with that, & why it differs from religions of all stripes, is that it ignores the undoubted need in humanity seen everywhere past & present, to take part in what might be called a 'spiritual community'.

Anyone of the 'West' gazing at the newly restored Notre Dame, if they have any spiritual feelings at all, must feel that connection, & when Bach plays the organ - we all go to mass! 

Feelings you will never get sitting alone in your room with your own 'spiritual thoughts'

Notre Dame is wonder of architecture for lots of people, not religion.

That's showbiz though.

Khandro, I'm very pleased that Notre Dame is being restored so beautifully but no matter what music is playing I won't go to mass.   You appear to have lapsed [pun intended] into  preaching rather than discussing the topic you posted about.

Put Bach on the CD player. Or some Gregorian chants. 😉

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