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davebro3 | 15:38 Thu 19th Dec 2024 | TV
7 Answers

When did TV become the main medium for begging?

Almost every advert break contains an "appeal" for some or other charity. I'm sure it must be an effort with diminishing returns. I certainly won't giving. Bah Humbug!



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Me neither.  Switch over. 

And they even tell you how much they want!  

If they're not begging they are reminding you that you are about to die and need a funeral plan and life insurance

The general tone is that to be a great parent you must arrange and pay for your own body disposal service. If you don't your children will hate you.

I've done that for my children.

This afternoon I've seen adverts for saving tigers, 🐯 polar bears and penguins 🐧 As they haven't specified what type of tiger or penguin, I won't bother. I don't think the polars are as endangered as suggested, so I'll just save my money. 

I would love to know where the money really goes...  with every charity.  

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I will probably donate money in my will to the Monkey World charity. Their programs are moving & uplifting & they don't push their case.

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