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Reclining Gaming Chair?

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Scarlett | 20:50 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | Shopping & Style
24 Answers

I haven't been able to sit at my PC for many years due to back pain. If I could find a computer/gaming chair which reclined and/or Went into a kind of antigravity shape where your legs also go up a bit, I could find a table to go over me, and finally use my PC. I only have a small room, so I would be looking to replace my current PC chair with another one, rather than change the whole set up. I've seen massive complex antigravity chairs covered in a cage, holding a laptop, but I absolutely, couldn't house something like that. It would need to be as padded as possible, And also go low to the ground so it could slide under the table. Is there anyone who likes shopping who can find me something, if it exists?! 



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There's a few on amazon, unfortunately I find it nigh on impossible to post a link from the https bar, however kelkoo are selling them for just under £70.

Seems to have an adjustable footrest.

I'm trying to imagine how you could use a keyboard and mouse in such a position. Gamers use handheld controllers or joysticks in those sort of chair

I aslo suffer with severe back pain and would really appreciate such a device mt dentist chair seems the comfortable place I can lay in!

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UKSWF if you google antigravity computer Chair, you can see all sorts of amazing things, which allow you to use a laptop whilst lying down, but they are massive things. I contacted a company that deals with ergonomic chairs, and they said I should look at gaming chairs, as they recline. I just need something to slide over the top so I can still use the PC, keyboard and mouse whilst being in a slouchy position!

Would a hospital style bedside trolley over your bed be the answer? 

Have you thought about a kneeling chair? I know they are helpful for some types of back pain 

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Barry, both knees are shot I'm afraid, and a wheelie table over my bed wouldn't allow for the PC/Keyboard/ External hard drive and mouse. I can do most things on my phone, but I can't use my video editing software. It needs a big screen etc

I have seen the anti-gravity chair/desk combos where the monitor is suspended above a recimbunt chair, with built in keyboard/mouse tray, they look the bees knees.

I can't see how that could be replicated to work with a standard desk. You wouldn't be able to see the monitor properly and it would be very awkward to use the keyboard/mouse if it were low to the ground. You would end up with neck and shoulder problems.

There are ergonomic office chairs available but you would need to try before you buy.  The height, seat depth, lumbar and shoulder supports would have to be right.

Search online for an office furniture supplier with a showroom near you.

You should also consider getting a referral to an occupational therapist - it's their job to help make your daily life easier and may be able to supply or advise re best chair. 

Question Author

Thanks, Barry – I will contact a OT, Although I was trying to avoid that because they are incredibly expensive! 

If you are an older person your council might be able to refer you if you stress you need help because of your pain

Downstairs office has a Secret Lab gaming chair.  Not sure if that is what you want but it is an excellent chair, reclines has lumbar support armrest all move etc.


This looks like a great setup, but the price is eye watering.

https://www.*Ad which shall not be named*.com/item/1005007635409971.html?src=bing&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=true&isdl=y&albch=shopping&acnt=135095331&isdl=y&albcp=554851195&albag=1306220947490970&slnk=&trgt=pla-4585238373891532&plac=&crea=81638863712723&netw=o&

https://www..*Ad which shall not be named*.com/item/1005007635409971.html?src=bing&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=true&isdl=y&albch=shopping&acnt=135095331

https://www.*Ad which shall not be named*.com/item/1005007635409971.html?src=bing&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=true&isdl=y&albch=shopping&acnt=135095331&isdl=y&albcp=554851195&albag=1306220947490970&slnk=&trgt=pla-4585238373891532&plac=&crea=81638863712723&netw=o&device=c&mtctp=e&utm_source=Bing&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=PA_Bing_UK_PLA_PC%2FM_SFFC_ALL_MaxValue_20240204&utm_content=All&utm_term=reclining%20pc%20game%20player%20chair&msclkid=f7cd45f5fd971c1546e42281f7673788

It will not let me post that link. Hmm. 

https://www..*Ad which shall not be named*.com/item/1005007635409971.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.17.5f6330825U7mNj&algo_pvid=68240881-a2b8-4e74-a68d-3369a24c2728&algo_exp_id=68240881-a2b8-4e74-a68d-3369a24c2728-8&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%211393.54%211254.19%21%21%2112420.14%2111178.16%21%402103

Here is a picture the price is abot £1250.  !!

https://ae-pic-a1.*Ad which shall not be named*

Nope whenever I try to post any link it inserts *ad which shall not be named* into the url. 

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Togo any idea what I should type into Google to find your link?

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